MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

21 Aug 2010
"The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims:".

Mair told police he was a “political activist” as he was arrested a mile from the scene, the prosecution said. Officers said the accused said “it’s me” when he was confronted; he was then tackled to the ground, handcuffed and searched. During the arrest, Mair also confirmed his name.
Source = The Guardian

Of course he is a terrorist, a right wing terrorist!

A written summary of the prosecution’s case revealed the findings of a search of the defendant’s house. Newspaper articles relating to Cox and ideological material relating to extreme rightwing and white-supremacist organisations and individuals were recovered from the property.
Source = The Guardian
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12 Nov 2015
You mentioned court banners not me - as I said I'm surprised publicity material is allowed.

He's clearly a very dangerous terrorist but is he the leader or just part of a cell?

Do quote where I said he stood behind their banner in court.

Alternatively man up and accept you've had a huge world view change on this thread about his support of Britain First.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
So what do you think the motivation was?

Do you really think he was simply angry at Jo Cox specifically?

I don't know what the motivation was - none of us here do and that's the point. People are working on guesswork and assumptions. That's not a smart thing to do.

At this point the witness statements seem confused. He could have shouted "put Britain first" which could have been a statement against her work whereby she is in an area that has deprivation (this guys mental health treatment for example has been deplorable due to funding cuts) yet she has spent much of her time campaigning for help overseas (Syria for example).
He could have also shouted "Britain First" in regards to the nutjob fringe group.

Do I believe this guy and Britain First are a threat to our wider society - nope. Do I believe some individuals are right to fear them - definitely. Do I believe those people should have to live in fear - hell no.

Would you call John Wilkes Booth a terrorist? Brutus? Nathuram Godse? Lee Harvey Oswald?
5 Dec 2006
I don't know what the motivation was - none of us here do and that's the point. People are working on guesswork and assumptions. That's not a smart thing to do.

Yes, now you conveniently disregard what was said in court lmao.

Of course the motivation was political. When asked his name he said "Death to traitors", He didn't say he hates Jo, nor what Jo specifically did in order to motivate him to kill her. It was purely her political stance, she wasn't a traitor to him for goodness sake, he killed her because he believed she was a traitor to the country.
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23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Yes, now you conveniently disregard what was said in court lmao.

Of course the motivation was political. When asked his name he said "Death to traitors", He didn't say he hates Jo, nor what Jo specifically did in order to motivate him to kill her. It was purely her political stance.

Have a look at CRAZY's post above. It clearly looks like he specifically targeted her given what was found in his house.
5 Dec 2006
Have a look at CRAZY's post above. It clearly looks like he specifically targeted her given what was found in his house.

Gosh, specifically targeted her because of her political stance. You're forgetting the fact that he's literally said "Death to traitors", NOT "Death to Jo"!

It wasn't personal, Jo is simply an example of what he considers a "traitor".
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23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Gosh, specifically targeted her for her political stance. It wasn't personal.

So why just articles regarding her then? She shares her political stance with many. Why didn't he go after one of them? - Nay, why didn't he focus on any of the others at all?
What set her aside is just how much she did for other countries and that to me makes her a target for him and his ilk. However that, like your posts are just opinion.

BTW I note you completely disregarded the other points of my posts.

Edit - It's also worth adding, which I'm sure you know with your mahoosive IQ, that stabbing is a very interesting way to kill someone. It tends to be either done as a crime of passion - without much forethought as the knife is the only weapon available someone who wants to feel an intimate connection with their victim. In this case we know it wasn't a crime of passion and he had a gun to hand yet chose to stab her. He went out of his way to get or possibly make a pistol - something not too easily done in this country and yet still stabbed her. That indicates he clearly selected her as a victim specifically.
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5 Dec 2006
So why just articles regarding her then? She shares her political stance with many. Why didn't he go after one of them? - Nay, why didn't he focus on any of the others at all?
What set her aside is just how much she did for other countries and that to me makes her a target for him and his ilk. However that, like your posts are just opinion.

BTW I note you completely disregarded the other points of my posts.

Because she happened to be his planned target. Do you really think this guy thinks there's no other "traitors" out there??? So, in that case why did he yell "Death to traitors" as a plural??? :D

It's been confirmed anyway. He killed Jo because he thought she was a traitor to the country, as literally stated in court. She was not a traitor to HIM personally lmao, and that's why hes a terrorist.
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