MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

5 Dec 2006
Edit - It's also worth adding, which I'm sure you know with your mahoosive IQ, that stabbing is a very interesting way to kill someone. It tends to be either done as a crime of passion - without much forethought as the knife is the only weapon available someone who wants to feel an intimate connection with their victim. In this case we know it wasn't a crime of passion and he had a gun to hand yet chose to stab her. He went out of his way to get or possibly make a pistol - something not too easily done in this country and yet still stabbed her. That indicates he clearly selected her as a victim specifically.

OMG you really have no clue about anything do you?

Why are you disregarding the reason why he killed her, why does you insight literally stop dead at "Jo"???

Of course he selected Jo as his victim, NOT because Jo was Jo. It's because of Jo's POLITICAL VIEWS!! You lack any sort of reason and logic don't you? Even though He's admitted in court it's nothing personal, and it was PURELY political.

As well as pluralising his notion of there being MORE "traitors" out there, you still believe he killed Jo just because it was Jo?

Amazing. Your judgement is clouded.
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Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
OMG you really have no clue about anything do you?

Why are you disregarding the reason why he killed her, why does you insight literally stop dead at "Jo"???

Of course he selected Jo as his victim, NOT because Jo was Jo. It's because JO was PRO EU! You lack any sort of reason and logic don't you?

...and also happened to be on his doorstep. He targeted her because she's known locally for her work in Syria, her stance on brexit and immigration, she's the face of parliament for her constituents of which he was one...
21 Aug 2010
Ignoring your insults, what TEXT BOOK? Please show other attacks like this one that are references and are recorded as being terrorist attacks.

You do realize that David Cawthorne was in court today :confused:

Anyway I'm not going to waste my time stating the bloody obvious to someone who is being disingenuous (possibly because of his own right leaning political views!)

What I will say is that I think it's utterly disgusting that you are down-playing the seriousness of Jo Cox's murder, shameful :mad:

Are you always this ignorant and ill-informed on subjects ???
She WAS SHOT several times BEFORE the right wing nutter stabbed her !!
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23 Dec 2011
Northern England
OMG you really have no clue about anything do you?

Why are you disregarding the reason why he killed her, why does you insight literally stop dead at "Jo"???

Of course he selected Jo as his victim, NOT because Jo was Jo. It's because JO was PRO EU! You lack any sort of reason and logic don't you? Even though He's admitted in court it's nothing personal as well as pluralising his notion of there being MORE "traitors" out there.

Nice edit after Gilly's post. So as Gilly points out there are a multitude of potential reasons. Not just her PRO EU stance. Which has been my entire point. WE DO NOT KNOW.

As for the notion of their being more traitors out there you do understand how the English language works right? Even if she is the only CURRENT traitor his phrase of 'Death to traitors' is still correct as it encompasses past and future traitors. We don't know whether he sees a group as being traitors or specific individuals.
We just don't have any facts at the minute to pass judgement as you and some others are so eager to do.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
You do realize that David Cawthorne was in court today :confused:

Anyway I'm not going to waste my time stating the bloody obvious to someone who is being disingenuous (possibly because of his own right leaning political views!)

What I will say is that I think it's utterly disgusting that you are down-playing the seriousness of Jo Cox's murder, shameful :mad:

Are you always this ignorant and ill-informed on subjects ???
She WAS SHOT several times BEFORE the right wing nutter stabbed her !!

"“He stabbed her first and this guy tried to stop him, and then he shot her,” said Flynn-Edwards."

5 Dec 2006
Nice edit after Gilly's post. So as Gilly points out there are a multitude of potential reasons. Not just her PRO EU stance. Which has been my entire point. WE DO NOT KNOW.

As for the notion of their being more traitors out there you do understand how the English language works right? Even if she is the only CURRENT traitor his phrase of 'Death to traitors' is still correct as it encompasses past and future traitors. We don't know whether he sees a group as being traitors or specific individuals.
We just don't have any facts at the minute to pass judgement as you and some others are so eager to do.

Umm, all the potential reasons Gilly pointed out are ALL POLITICAL though lmao. You still seem to think it's some personal reason?

Definitely a clouded judgement/agenda you have here.
21 Aug 2010
Yeah I guess counter-terrorism are involved because they haven't got anything better to be doing at this moment in time :rolleyes:

Or maybe because this is clearly a politically motivated terrorist attack (all be it a lone wolf by the looks of things)
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Yeah I guess counter-terrorism are involved because they haven't got anything better to be doing at this moment in time :rolleyes:

Or maybe because this is clearly a politically motivated terrorist attack (all be it a lone wolf by the looks of things)

Or because they're investigating whether it is potentially one? Or because they have expertise in dealing with crimes of a similar nature?
5 Dec 2006
How is her working in Syria political? It's humanitarian.

OMG more complete nonsense.

Don't you see how helping Syrians didn't fit in with this guys agenda of helping Britain, and Britain alone??

He didn't kill her because she loved helping people for goodness sake. It's because he believed she was helping the wrong people! as in "Traitor".

The application of logic is apparently very difficult for you.
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23 Dec 2011
Northern England
OMG more complete nonsense.

Don't you see how helping Syrians didn't fit in with this guys agenda of helping Britain, and Britain alone??

And there you go. Can you now see the possibility that this guy is peeved as a result of his mental health care being cut and she was too busy helping people half way around the world, abandoning her constituents. Wouldn't you agree that that could be seen as a cause to dislike someone?

So we have multiple possible causes which has been my point all along.
25 Nov 2004
And there you go. Can you now see the possibility that this guy is peeved as a result of his mental health care being cut and she was too busy helping people half way around the world, abandoning her constituents. Wouldn't you agree that that could be seen as a cause to dislike someone?

So we have multiple possible causes which has been my point all along.

And what's that got to do with freedom for Britain?
21 Aug 2010
You have zero critical thinking skills, or are in denial!
Britain First, Traitor, freedom for Britain .etc ..etc
Yeah his raging because of austerity :rolleyes:

Your argument is an utter joke.
25 Nov 2004
Bugger all. I'm just saying there ain't just one cause - something many people seem to be overlooking.

You can't look at each factor independently. There are a number of things to consider and they are simultaneously influencing the outcome.

People aren't overlooking it - you're just coming to the wrong conclusion because you aren't considering all the available evidence together.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
You have zero critical thinking skills, or are in denial!
Britain First, Traitor, freedom for Britain .etc ..etc
Yeah his raging because of austerity :rolleyes:

Your argument is an utter joke.

No, you're again missing the point in your quest to brand someone other than a brown skinned muslim bloke as a terrorist.
He POSSIBLY feels that she has betrayed those she was VOTED IN BY to REPRESENT AND HELP by disappearing half way around the world to give aid to people we'll never even see whilst not giving them the help they clearly need here.

It's funny how you're always there in the threads where a muslim has committed an atrocity in the name of their religion saying it's not because of their religious or ideological beliefs yet here you are trying to condemn this man based upon ones he (probably!) holds.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
You can't look at each factor independently. There are a number of things to consider and they are simultaneously influencing the outcome.

People aren't overlooking it - you're just coming to the wrong conclusion because you aren't considering all the available evidence together.

I'm not coming to any conclusion. That's the point. We don't have enough evidence yet to do so.
We simply do not know - people are jumping to conclusions.
25 Nov 2004
I'm not coming to any conclusion. That's the point. We don't have enough evidence yet to do so.
We simply do not know - people are jumping to conclusions.

Ok, let's look at the total evidence:

- Possible mental health issues
- Possible cuts which impact treatment
- Local MP that helps people in other countries
- Local MP that supports remaining in the EU
- Possible shouts of 'Britain First' or 'put Britain first' at time of attack
- Photo on Britain First website holding the banner
- States "death to traitors, freedom for Britain" when asked his name in court

What part of that combined information leads you to believe it is not a politically motivated attack with links to extreme right wing?
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