Also if anyone else has this card or similar 3080 and has 3DMark would you please do me a favour and tell me what your graphics score is on time spy, mine was 17,483 at -50 in msi after burner as i can't run it on defualt settings without crashing. If you don't have time spy could you tell me what your max boost clock speed went to in games without crashing mine was 1980MHz. I'm just trying to figure out if my card is performing similar to other 3080 cards, or if there is any underlying problems which might cause crashing. I would also love it if any MSI 3080 ventus owners that have had no problems at all could tell me what your max core clock went to in game to see if there are many ventus cards that can run at 2000MHz+ stable at defualt settings (no manual overclock or down clock) so then we can see if all ventus cards struggle at 2000MHz+ or to see if some are just boosting way higher than others.
Thanks all the help is much appreciated
3DMarks result website seems to be down for me so I cant access my results but they highest I have got is around 17900.
If often goess above 2000 playing GTA V and the highest ive seen t peak at is 2100 at stock.
Ive tried overclocking and its hardly worth the effort. I think it been shipped at its limit.