Well, surprise surprise the payment hasn't been made today as they said it would be. I guess "end of the week" can be interpreted as Sunday, but for payments i believe that it is Friday. I'll be emailing the rep again, and i would recommend that you do the same as they are definitely seeing them!
Nothing yet. Getting pretty annoyed now. Which one should I be emailing to complain / request an update; the MSI rep or MSI service desk?
Nothing yet. Getting pretty annoyed now. Which one should I be emailing to complain / request an update; the MSI rep or MSI service desk?
Nothing yet. Getting pretty annoyed now. Which one should I be emailing to complain / request an update; the MSI rep or MSI service desk?

In my view, our beef is with OcUK, that's who we entered into a contract with when choosing to purchase the card on the basis that OcUK said we could get a cashback, which has now proven to be a false statement.
In my view, our beef is with OcUK, that's who we entered into a contract with when choosing to purchase the card on the basis that OcUK said we could get a cashback, which has now proven to be a false statement.

Interesting yeah I see your point.

I just phoned MSI again and was told the cashback was due to pay out last Friday but the 3rd party agency they used delayed the payment so 'they are currently chasing it up with them'. Was told (once again) it would be in the next 2 weeks, I said they told me that 3 weeks ago and they reassured it would actually happen this time.

Last chance, if they don't come through this time I will pursue legal action as it's pretty cut & dry case.
For those of you suggesting legal action, what are you specifically intending to do?

Damage MSI reputation, hardware sites would pick this up and have a field day.
Just like EVGA troubles did.
MSI and Asus do a lot of cash back deals compared to most, so no would would trust MSI globally if it went to court .
Wonder if large 3rd vendor would provide legal team :) haha

Reputation is everything
For those of you suggesting legal action, what are you specifically intending to do?

Would be small claims court - unlawful business practice. Likely just the threat of legal action would get the ~£50 paid out as it would be cheaper for them in the long run
Damage MSI reputation, hardware sites would pick this up and have a field day.
Just like EVGA troubles did.
MSI and Asus do a lot of cash back deals compared to most, so no would would trust MSI globally if it went to court .
Wonder if large 3rd vendor would provide legal team :) haha

Reputation is everything

I suppose if they don't pay ANYONE it could be group litigation AKA class action lawsuit. Let's hope they're not stupid enough to let it get that far though. Not paying anyone would be insane on their part.
I suppose if they don't pay ANYONE it could be group litigation AKA class action lawsuit. Let's hope they're not stupid enough to let it get that far though. Not paying anyone would be insane on their part.

3rd party mentioned above, longer they can hold the cash, more interest they can get out of it :(
I posted a message on the MSI forum a couple of weeks ago and just received a message that my cashback was being processed now......I'll wait and see
Having claimed cashback for various companies in the past there are many things about this MSI cashback that leaves a bad taste in the mouth. First taking 12 weeks is 3 times longer than most companies take (though they've not even manged to meet that length of time).

Having to cut out the barcode and serial number panel from the box and post it to them was rather extreme. Most just want a copy of the receipt, some also like having a photo of the barcode/serial number as well.

Having to both post and email rather than filling out an online form and getting the money within a month is ludicrous in comparison.

I think MSI might rethink using this 3rd party in the future, hopefully we get our cashback soon...
Aye, this time around i haven't got any response to my email, have their names at least so if we can find an actual number for MSI we could possibly call and ask for them. Will definitely try that when i can be bothered =D
There's only one reason for these cash back deals target than just selling a cheaper product. They expect a certain number of buyers to either forget, be lazy or not meet the conditions and therefore not make a claim thereby increasing their profits.

I have had a motherboard with cash back on it since years ago and they did post it but it took a while. Good for their cash flow ;)
For a company with revenue in the billions, I'm not sure if the very small interest they would accrue on ~£50k (I think ~1000 customers is a fair guess) is worth the potential negative PR. But maybe they sold a lot more cards, or their agency is genuinely rubbish. In any case, I am surprised an MSI rep hasn't posted yet. Their competitors usually respond to widespread complaint a lot quicker on here. Disappointing experience overall and I will certainly now think of MSI in a less positive manner.
For a company with revenue in the billions, I'm not sure if the very small interest they would accrue on ~£50k (I think ~1000 customers is a fair guess) is worth the potential negative PR. But maybe they sold a lot more cards, or their agency is genuinely rubbish. In any case, I am surprised an MSI rep hasn't posted yet. Their competitors usually respond to widespread complaint a lot quicker on here. Disappointing experience overall and I will certainly now think of MSI in a less positive manner.

Of course you can use the same arguement to say why would such a large company bother with a silly cash back deal? Just make the cards cheaper and save all the messing around.

I agree about the rep but that could again be telling us our tiny sales really don't matter in the scheme of things. I'll still buy MSI as their product is good, their admin however needs some work.
I've noticed in a previous email to me i've managed to be blessed with the mobile number for the "rep", so i'll be periodically calling that to see if i can actually get a response on this. Although, i'm not really holding my breath at this point.
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