Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

One set is for producing thrust when spun clockwise, the other will be anti clockwise. If you have a KK2.0 FC the front left and back right motors will be clockwise (when looking down) which will be the CCW props.
The CW props will go on the front right and back left motors (again - looking down)
So my "do it as cheaply as possible" plan is falling apart. I've already ditched the plastic 250 frame and gone for a carbon one, and just spent untold amounts on screws, stand offs, mounts and other assorted random bits of stuff.

Why can't I have a cheap hobby! :(
One set is for producing thrust when spun clockwise, the other will be anti clockwise. If you have a KK2.0 FC the front left and back right motors will be clockwise (when looking down) which will be the CCW props.
The CW props will go on the front right and back left motors (again - looking down)

the problem i have is i cant tell which set is which. there is nothing on the to distinguish cw and ccw
Look at the blades, you will be able to tell which way they rotate to generate thrust. The leading edge when rotating will be higher than the trailing edge to generate a downwards thrust.
Just had a quick flight again. Camera on with doing some flips and stuff :D
On one of the flips I went for a slower rotation but throttled up too early, lost a lot of altitude too quick and thumped into the ground :eek:, back end dug in and pulled the rear Ts off along with the motors and it then tumbled upside down.

Expecting the worst I walked over, to see no damage bar some cracks/splits at the end of a front prop and some tubing that needed to be pushed back together! Could have taken off about 30 seconds after hitting the ground :D

Had a similar crash on my old X frame like this and broke 2 arms and took a good hour or so to switch to new parts. PVC frame paying dividends already.
so good news (i think)

i got the props on and calibrated the esc's put the naza in manual and tried to take off. it did but pulled to one side slightly.

its blowing a gale out here still( i think we caught the tail end of that hurricane) so until the weather calms down and i can get out to a local park, that will have to do.
opstrat - pulling to one side a little on take off is fairly normal, you'll get a lot of downwash from the props that has to go somewhere and this will regularly make it drift or be quite choppy on take off. If it is trying to significantly roll over when taking off that's an issue, but a little gentle lean isn't an issue

Quick youtube of my flight and then crash earlier! Sadly I nuked the quality of it before uploading, should be 1080p! Skip forward to about 3:10 for the crash. Rest of the video isn't that exciting really, it's just the first proper footage I've really taken with something other than gentle flying!
I'm having major problems with jello on my FPV250L long frame.

So far I have tried:
Different props including HQ 5x4, 5x3, gemfan 5030.
Camera on carpet underlay (cable tied)
Camera on carpet underlay (velcro tied)
Camera on Moonjell (cable tied)
Direct to frame (cable tied)
Direct to frame with velcro
Direct to frame with elastic bands
Stuck to frame with double sided foam tape

Anything else to try before I change the frame to one with a proper camera mount with the rubber dampeners?

Using a Mobius
The PDB I bought is far to big for the carbon 250 frame, so bought a JST to 4x 2mm breakout cable and will solder an XT60 to it. So much for doing it cheaply.
I'm having major problems with jello on my FPV250L long frame.

So far I have tried:
Different props including HQ 5x4, 5x3, gemfan 5030.
Camera on carpet underlay (cable tied)
Camera on carpet underlay (velcro tied)
Camera on Moonjell (cable tied)
Direct to frame (cable tied)
Direct to frame with velcro
Direct to frame with elastic bands
Stuck to frame with double sided foam tape

Anything else to try before I change the frame to one with a proper camera mount with the rubber dampeners?

Using a Mobius

What motors? I cabled tied my Möbius directly to my FPV250 v1 a few times with very minimal vibes. Try the throttle range of each motor to see if one sounds off
What motors? I cabled tied my Möbius directly to my FPV250 v1 a few times with very minimal vibes. Try the throttle range of each motor to see if one sounds off

I had it on my original 250 frame with Turnigy 1704 motors since then I'm now using the 250L frame with the DYS motors but still have bad jello effect.
Have you checked whether your props are out of balance?
I don't get any overly bad jello from what I've seen on the footage from my Mobius (see above) and that's attached with velcro and no extra padding/gel.

Skeeter, surely the breakout didn't cost too much?
Skeeter, surely the breakout didn't cost too much?

Nah, £2. But I now need a soldering iron. Plus I've spent the last few days going "ooo, that could be helpful" and buying more random stuff. It all adds up.

Carbon frame arrived though, its really good quality.
Ah the age old buying lots of extras issue :D I've got all sorts of bits I'll probably never use already!

Buying a soldering iron is a good thing, you're bound to want one eventually anyway - ie would you write off the hobby if you had a one off crash that damaged a connection that could be fixed with a bit of solder? Useful investment for the future :)
I keep buying stuff, thinking .. a) need to stock this stuff for the future.. b) for the postage costs I better buy 2...

Finished stitching together my Versa wing plans, going to cut the foamboard tomorrow I hope, was out on the mountain bike today :)
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