You can look into parallel charging, it comes with some pretty hefty caveats which you really should understand before attempting it but is safe if you follow the rules. HK has parallel boards for sale, though make sure your charger/PSU is up to scratch on the kind of current this will draw. Charging 4x1300mah batteries at 1c will be draw ~5.2A
My charger does 5A, but I think I would prefer to get 2 chargers and charge at 2 or 3C. Looking at parallel charging there does seem to be a lot to check. Needing the cells close in state means I might end up discharging a load individually before charging, which eats into the time saved.
Is there a setting on the KK board that stops the twitching when self level is enabled? It's fine when it's turned off but when on it seems to be skipping on one motor. The gyro sticks a lot too at a weird angle.
Edit, after looking at a vid i'm pretty sure it only does it when it's in a wind. Seems like it's over compensating.
The KK auto leveling can be tuned. Its what I need to do as like you with it turned off it's smooth but with it on it's jitter bug tastic.