Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

Built my first Multicopter the other day after the last of the parts arived. I got the Y650 Scorpion from Hobbyking, running from there KK2.0 board.
Havn't been able to get it off the ground properly yet, as it seams to be unstable, where it tilts to one side every time. I expect that after setting up all the ESC and performing a level calibration for the gyros on a flat ground, it would lift level, not fall over its self. Tryied everything i can think off, but its going to have to wait know as it snapped some props on its last attempt. :(
A few things usually cause this...

1. Props going the wrong way, double check both your motor rotation and prop directions, I know it may sound obvious but you can't imagine the number of people who this has happened to.
2. Check your pitch and roll axes don't need to be reversed.
3. Check your gains aren't too high, on a KK2.0 for your first flights, set the P-Gains to about 30 and the I-Gains to about 15, work from there. The stock gains are very high and work well for a hex but quads and tris need lower gains.
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Built my first Multicopter the other day after the last of the parts arived. I got the Y650 Scorpion from Hobbyking, running from there KK2.0 board.

Going straight in with a 6x rotor is brave. I'd definitely double check the rotations are all correct. Not sure exactly how it should be on that, think bottom 3 spinning one way and the top the other? Check your props are correct and maybe check the gyro is picking up the angle correctly?

One thing you could try is swapping the motors from left to right, if the problem reverses it could be a dodgy rotor (presuming you've ruled out props and rotation by this point)
Having second thoughts about ordering the Turnigy 9X from the global HK site now, $34 postage (choice between Air Parcel and SCS express - the latter sound dodgy as hell from googling them), no details on what insurance cover etc I'd have. Long wait time for delivery plus the risk of being hit by customs for god knows how much. Seems really odd that you login to paypal to sort payment before it adds the postage too...

Nearly £60 via paypal before customs, spending £80 on ebay for one in UK stock and delivery this week is sounding more and more tempting. Especially as I'll be ordering the rest of the quad in the UK and wanting to fly it!.... Alternatively, look at a different transmitter.
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I've decided to jump in to the Arducopter. Bought myself an APM 2.6, GPS, MinimOSD, 3DR telemetry, and APU. It will go on the F550.
All the reports of flyaways with the Naza and Wookong controllers has me worried. If the Phantom heads off on its own it's not a huge deal as it's not much money to replace. If my F550 heads off that's a different story as it represents a significant investment in terms of time and money.
Well that's me £160 poorer.... With Lipo charger and Transmitter yet to be ordered from somewhere due to lacking UK stock.
Should be here for the weekend to start building :)
Got my hubsan... tricky to fly.. heres me expecting it to go up and straight.. nope. Up and into a wall, will take it to a field over the next couple of days.
Looking forward to seeing your build PinkFloyd :)

FunguST did you calibrate the quad and the controller before flight? Also are you flying in normal mode? Stick to that indoors if I was you before you attempt to go outdoors or it will easily vanish. I also suggest that if you go outdoors and it's a bit windy then to use expert mode as you wont get enough tilt to fight the wind.
A few things usually cause this...

1. Props going the wrong way, double check both your motor rotation and prop directions, I know it may sound obvious but you can't imagine the number of people who this has happened to.
2. Check your pitch and roll axes don't need to be reversed.
3. Check your gains aren't too high, on a KK2.0 for your first flights, set the P-Gains to about 30 and the I-Gains to about 15, work from there. The stock gains are very high and work well for a hex but quads and tris need lower gains.

I did pup the props on wrong at one point on one side, after pulling them off to calibrate the ECS. Thought i found the problem at this point. But no.

Im guessing that the gains would be high on mine as i haven't changed them from default as i had no idea what to put them on. Ill give it a go and hopefully it'll work better.

I picked the Y6 over a quad as i could see myself getting confused with orientation with a Quad, and a Tri seams limited with expanding, as at some point i whant to be able to add to this.
After noticing this thread title popping up day after day I was honestly beginning to wonder what all the fuss about lawnmowers was! Well done to everyone who has built one of these things, wish it was within my capabilities but I've been trying to build a nixie clock for nearly 2 years!
Looking forward to seeing your build PinkFloyd :)

I'll take pics as I go. Excuse to use the camera, can even squeeze some Macro piccies of solder in :D
Re-planned my build as mentioned on the last page to be smaller, gone with a 330mm frame + 8" props instead. Had pretty much decided then stumbled across the following guide:

Conveniently, the chap bought basically the same as I was planning to :) Except I'm using a KK2.0 FC and haven't got any lights planned yet.

@bainbridge. I thought exactly the same when I first saw it! :D
My Hubsan replacement motor(s) came today, but I'm going to be far too busy to mess about trying to solder the new one in as unfortunately this lot was delivered 20mins later....


Only problem is, I was pretty sure I had various spools of red/black 12V electrical wire so didn't order any, but it looks like someone's 'borrowed' them... so it looks like I'm off to buy more, 12V (car) stuff will be fine right? Same gauge Amp rating etc? I'll take one of the ESCs with me to match them up :p
Only problem is, I was pretty sure I had various spools of red/black 12V electrical wire so didn't order any, but it looks like someone's 'borrowed' them... so it looks like I'm off to buy more, 12V (car) stuff will be fine right? Same gauge Amp rating etc? I'll take one of the ESCs with me to match them up :p
I think 30A ESCs use 16awg wire so you want something similar to that.
I went all over today trying to find the right wire, the closest car stuff I could find that matched the size was only 17AMP but way too stiff to use anyway I think, the ESC are rated at 30AMP, the 35AMP car wiring was way too big to use, so I researched a bit online and the 16AWG Turnigy make is rated at 35AMP so I ended up ordering some of the proper stuff from HK.

Then I hit a snag whilst mocking up the build, power distribution board won't fit where I wanted it to go and will have to go up top, but I'm unsure if this is OK or not so close to the controller (Interference/heat issues?)?


Putting quite some pressure on the main power cables too.


Which I'm not sure about, ordered some more stand-off's but I think I've messed up if they are measured from overall height, I thought they were measured up to the shoulder so I think 10 of the same 18mm ones are on their way... Shame HK have such ridiculous postage charges really :(
First package has arrived! Chassis and electronics. Borrowed a soldering iron from a work mate along with a charger. Transmitter due here tomorrow :D
Went through the box, looks like I've got everything. The props look huge compared to the motors! Will likely build the frame this evening. With pics!

Received that motor flukester. Will give soldering that on a shot once I've practised on something bigger!
More stuff:


We have:
Ardupilot Mega 2.6
3DR GPS + compass
433Mhz telemetry kit
Power module
Telemetry splitter (so I can use telemetry and the MinimOSD at the same time)
Serial-USB interface (for programming the MinimOSD)
3DR Max Sonar
Crappy antenne that will get replaced with skew planar ones once I make them for the correct frequency

That lot is going on my F550 to replace the Naza-M. I'll be building a ground station in the coming weeks.
Nice Rilot.. hows this lot meant to compare with the Naza then ?. I'm going to stick with DJI stuff for now as touch wood had no problems (though gonna be flying over the sea for around 30mins on sat *gulp*)
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