Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

I couldnt find anything on that frame cept the bloke at HK selling it. Nice find !!

It looks really good, stable with a lot of power. Mines been dispatched, just have to get another 2 motors and esc's.
Good that they're reporting it though, and that it's the 5th most read. Hopefully make people think twice.

But yeah, that's pretty stupid of the BBC. Our normal flight weight, with payload, is 9.2kg. MTOM is 11kg. Our Phantom with gimbal, payload, dual batteries and FPV was 1.2kg.

Weight is pretty irrelevant anyway, 1kg falling at terminal velocity is going to do some damage. Then there's the blades potentially spinning at 400 odd rpm.

And a 500g FPV racer will still do a lot of damage to other aircraft, especially carrying a LiPo.
There is a massive market for an anti-drone drone. Something 250 sized which can track and intercept other flying craft. All it would need to do is suicide run into them... The Americans would lap them up and it's a self perpetuating market :p
The hex project is coming along, albeit slowly. My time is a bit limited at the mo. So far I have.....

1) Spent too much money

2) assembled the frame

3) Spent several hours looking at the frame, working out where everything will go

4) Soldered a power loom for it. I wanted to use a pdb but due to the rubbish mounting holes, nowhere to put one really, so loom was the only option.

Tonight I'm going to get the ESC's and motors wired up (hopefully) then it should be ready for an FPV'less maiden at the weekend!

I've also got to strip and rebuild the mini H too as it has a weird issue... A few minutes into the flight and the OSD shuts down. I still get video though, so not sure what is going on.

I suspect the Pololu 5v step down isn't putting out enough current to power the naze, rx and the OSD as it's only 300ma, probably the minimOSD that is sucking all the juice.

I've also ordered some better LED's as the current ones just don't cut it for LOS orientation. I've got 5630 ones this time, so should be bright enough!

I might try these on the hex eventually Lightweight, bright and flashy :D
Careful of silicon wire through carbon, it slice like butter unless you rubbed the edges down. Looks lovely though, more motors is the way forward ;)
Yeah, some of the edges are a little sharp. I'll either blob a bit of CA over them, sand the frame a little or sleeve the wires. It will all need to come apart again before the maiden I suspect as I *may* have neglected to remember that I need to feed the wires for the LED's through the frame somehow.

Battery on top or underneath do we think? Could do either and might try both, see how it flies each way :)
As close as the thrust plane as possible. Top or bottom make minimal difference but pancaking on the lipo is always bad. I blew one on my FPV250 once, skidded on concrete and poof, up she went. Was lucky to save the frame.
Bottom then I think. Most of my landings are either cartwheel form, inverted or in the safe arms of a tree so not too worried about pancaking currently!
I'd go top myself. Mainly because fast and low FPV you'd want a smooth as possible bottom to avoid any snags. Don't know about you but I tend to run out of altitude more than hit the underside of branches etc. :p

How about a compromise? Longer pillars and strap the battery under the top plate, slid in from the back? Might need to build in some protection for the Naze so it doesn't get smashed in a crash
What quads are you all using at the moment? I want something for the winter that I just throw in the car. My Tri can be a bit awkward sometimes!

Edit: Looking for something about £150 (ish) all in, kit preferred as I like potching (read building :D)
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