Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

Cool, cheers chap. My LED's flash too when it's getting low on power but in the daylight it's not easy to see. I read there is an audible warning mod you can add which might be worth me considering especially when I'm still learning. Got 2 x spare batteries on order but I also read it's not a good idea to fly for more than two batteries worth of flight time otherwise you can over stress the motors? Or is that an urban myth?

Brushed motors can get quite hot if running for an extended period which doesn't help their lifespan.
I'd like to get a basic drone just to learn how to use one and see how much I enjoy it rather than splash out on an expensive bit of kit that I get bored with.

I was going to get a Hubsan X4 but it looks like the JJRC H11C is a good first drone kit to get for about £35. Not sure if I can mention the seller I've found on here.

So for a first drone is this a good one to buy to see if I'm interested in spending more on a better kit later on?

Are there any guides anywhere as to where I could fly this, either with or without the camera?

I've got the H11c, click my sig and it'll go to my youtube channel. Best video to see how it actually flies is the third person video (this one) as the other videos are shot NOT on the stock camera...The stock camera is naff as hell.

Still, it's nippy and lets you get a taste of it.

Just use common sense when flying, don't fly it down the street, next to people, near dogs, on someones private land or property. I just use the local park when it's empty, or take it to a mates town where there is a big field which has a football pitch on one side of it.
Are there any cheap, fairly basic drones out there that can lift a GoPro?

I'd love to get one but I can't justify (read: the wife won't let me) spend £400+ on a DJI :(
I've got the H11c, click my sig and it'll go to my youtube channel. Best video to see how it actually flies is the third person video (this one) as the other videos are shot NOT on the stock camera...The stock camera is naff as hell.

Still, it's nippy and lets you get a taste of it.

Just use common sense when flying, don't fly it down the street, next to people, near dogs, on someones private land or property. I just use the local park when it's empty, or take it to a mates town where there is a big field which has a football pitch on one side of it.
Cheers Delvis.

Is the camera removable to make the drone a bit lighter? Do you have any videos shot on the stock camera just to show how bad it is?

Would I be in trouble for flying the drone in my back garden? It's not very big so I guess it'd be too close to other gardens and houses?
Cheers Delvis.

Is the camera removable to make the drone a bit lighter? Do you have any videos shot on the stock camera just to show how bad it is?

Would I be in trouble for flying the drone in my back garden? It's not very big so I guess it'd be too close to other gardens and houses?

Yeah there are videos of the stock cam on my page, otherwise YouTube the quad there will be others. The stock camera weighs next to nothing and just clips off.

I've got a.mobius camera to use on mine but don't use it often as 1.) It's probably a little heavy for it so don't want to ruin the motors and 2.) It doesn't like the extra weight flying in the wind :p

That said, it's not a quad for filming nice pictures, it's a £35 quad (Amazon or bang good) to throw around. I've crashed mine God knows how many times and only bemt one prop due to flying in to a pole.

As for the garden, only the neighbours can get annoyed....probably find it difficult due to being low to the ground
It says it's 2mp and HD......honestly, I don't know why it's on there.

The only time it may look half decent is if it was a fantastically sunny day and you took a picture of far away hills...wanting a water colour effect image :p

As said though, it's not something I'd use to religiously record videos on...but to learn and fly I think it's great. Saying that the hubsans are a decent brand, so look at various reviews :)
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Guys, what are you all using to charge your LiPo's? I'm finding it a pain to have to wait approx 200 mins for the OEM charger which came with my X8C to charge a battery. I've got 3 batteries altogether so can rotate their usage but 200 mins is still a bit of a pain in the proverbial! Initially I was looking at the iMax B6 AC as it is supposed to be able to charge a lot faster but I've read a few articles that say the build quality isn't too great and worryingly, there are tons of cheap copies floating about for sale so you can't be sure you are buying a genuine unit. Don't want to spend an absolute fortune but maybe up to or around the £35 mark?

Also, second question - I'm slowly getting the hang of the basics of flying my quad. I've just been practising taking off, flying say 10 feet in a given direction then landing and then returning to the start position. But what I'm having real trouble with is this......

I usually always position the quad facing away from me to begin with, take off and fly away from me. But its when I come to turn it around 180 deg and return to the start point I am literally all over the place and usually end up panicking and having to land with a bump. I *think* I have 'headless mode' switched on but I'm not sure, isn't it supposed to make this sort of thing easier to get to grips with?
Guys, what are you all using to charge your LiPo's? I'm finding it a pain to have to wait approx 200 mins for the OEM charger which came with my X8C to charge a battery. I've got 3 batteries altogether so can rotate their usage but 200 mins is still a bit of a pain in the proverbial! Initially I was looking at the iMax B6 AC as it is supposed to be able to charge a lot faster but I've read a few articles that say the build quality isn't too great and worryingly, there are tons of cheap copies floating about for sale so you can't be sure you are buying a genuine unit. Don't want to spend an absolute fortune but maybe up to or around the £35 mark?

Also, second question - I'm slowly getting the hang of the basics of flying my quad. I've just been practising taking off, flying say 10 feet in a given direction then landing and then returning to the start position. But what I'm having real trouble with is this......

I usually always position the quad facing away from me to begin with, take off and fly away from me. But its when I come to turn it around 180 deg and return to the start point I am literally all over the place and usually end up panicking and having to land with a bump. I *think* I have 'headless mode' switched on but I'm not sure, isn't it supposed to make this sort of thing easier to get to grips with?

Headless mode means the quad will fly away, left, right or towards you regardless of which way the quad is facing after you take off.

Personally, I hate headless mode and I've only been flying my first quad for a few months...So about 10 times?

I would either put the quad facing you, then take off and get used to going back/forward/left/right like that, or fly away as you have been doing, then either land or turn 180 degrees and come back slowly. After that play with the quad so it is sideways to you :)

It takes a few attempts, as my quad is cheap I wasn't too afraid of crashing.

This may show you headless mode a bit better than I am explaining it:
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Guys, what are you all using to charge your LiPo's? I'm finding it a pain to have to wait approx 200 mins for the OEM charger which came with my X8C to charge a battery. I've got 3 batteries altogether so can rotate their usage but 200 mins is still a bit of a pain in the proverbial! Initially I was looking at the iMax B6 AC as it is supposed to be able to charge a lot faster but I've read a few articles that say the build quality isn't too great and worryingly, there are tons of cheap copies floating about for sale so you can't be sure you are buying a genuine unit. Don't want to spend an absolute fortune but maybe up to or around the £35 mark?

Also, second question - I'm slowly getting the hang of the basics of flying my quad. I've just been practising taking off, flying say 10 feet in a given direction then landing and then returning to the start position. But what I'm having real trouble with is this......

I usually always position the quad facing away from me to begin with, take off and fly away from me. But its when I come to turn it around 180 deg and return to the start point I am literally all over the place and usually end up panicking and having to land with a bump. I *think* I have 'headless mode' switched on but I'm not sure, isn't it supposed to make this sort of thing easier to get to grips with?

You can get a genuine b6ac from hobbyking. I got mine from there and it was fine. Be aware though, they also sell the copy one (or they did last time I looked)

Orientation issues are just practise really. You need to develop the "muscle memory" for you brain to recognise when the quad is pointing at you and to reverse the controls. Sadly, there is no easy path to this.

There are a few videos on youtube that give tips but I started the same as you, fly out, fly back in the same orientation.

Then I did "boxes" Fly out, rotate 90 degrees, go forward for a bit, rotate another 90 degrees, etc ect etc etc.

Figure of eights after that.

Do it with self level on before you try it in full manual mode :)
Cheers guys, I'll need to get more practice in for sure. Sadly, the X8C doesn't have a self level mode so I'm gonna just need to get to grips with full on manual mode!
The X8C does have a self level mode. It should be flat with the sticks released. It doesn't have position hold but it certainly has self levelling.
If it's not self levelling then something is wrong with it.
Most if not all have some form of self level? Otherwise they all be at 30degree angles :p
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Got out today with the family to a country park with some nice wide open spaces. Took all three batteries with me and had a really good practice with it today. By the third battery, everything seemed to be clicking into place, technique wise and I really started getting the hang of it. Took some footage which was quite cool although it does illustrate just how pants the standard camera is. Main thing is I got lots of practice with the batteries lasting about 7 to 10 mins each. :cool:
Uploaded a video of todays flight. Lot's of jiggling left and right because of my nervous flying but I'm getting the hang of it!! Yes, the standard Syma camera is awful. Looking forward to getting my SJ4000 on there once the mounting kit arrives next week. :cool:

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