Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

Cheers dude, really enjoyed it today. Boosted my confidence in using the thing no end. When I say the camera is awful I'm kinda meaning in comparison to better cameras like GoPros/SJ4000's etc. It does the job but its nothing to write home about. But then again, flying the thing is where the fun is at, taking video footage is just a bonus! :D
It wasnt when I posted it.

The person was flying over London landmarks very low to the ground and above people etc, and he was getting so much abuse because of it. Looks like he made it private to avoid more abuse :)
Had a bit of a disaster today. Third flight in (after an hours rest from previous two) and a first flight with a new battery:rolleyes: Sudden power loss whilst ascending, quickly followed by plummeting like a stone right into a nice wet heather bog.

All seemed well until the video signal cut, then I looked up to see it falling. Video shows that the battery resets and the props come alive again, which actually seemed to cushion the impact a little.

Damage that I can see is a snapped antenna from the video tx, and the H4-3D is bent to hell. Might be other damage internally, but I don't know what I'm doing so will need to drop it in at the shop tomo. Hero4 survived thankfully, and glad I was using a filter as that has taken a hit, smashed and saved the lens.

Any suggestions on what might have caused this? Seems too much of a coincidence to not be related to the new battery. You can hear the phantom make a sound near the end if this means anything to anyone.
That's so annoying :(

Hate the fact you can buy something expensive and it can just cut out like that. Hopefully you can sort it / and get some form of reimbursement, I'd be well miffed.
Uploaded a video of todays flight. Lot's of jiggling left and right because of my nervous flying but I'm getting the hang of it!! Yes, the standard Syma camera is awful. Looking forward to getting my SJ4000 on there once the mounting kit arrives next week. :cool: /youtube]

Do you find that X8c is stable when on low-rate mode? I had an x5c-1 which was annoyingly not that stable, but the x5c is a 30*30 quadcopter where the X8c is 50*50 sized so hopefully the x8c is more stable? edit- bloody hell that is massive


On the flip side, does it still feel agile on high rate mode?

I'm thinking of getting an x8c as I am quad copter-less at the mo (and previously had an x5c) and can't bring myself to splash out on the kit needed to build one myself!
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That's so annoying :(

Hate the fact you can buy something expensive and it can just cut out like that. Hopefully you can sort it / and get some form of reimbursement, I'd be well miffed.

Ye pretty gutting to see £1000 of your money falling out of the sky like that!

Is that Glencoe? :)

It is indeed. Had planned to get some shots of Etive Mor.
Ye pretty gutting to see £1000 of your money falling out of the sky like that!

This is one reason why I'm now wondering about spending lots on a new UAV setup - even bigger ones with 6/8 props can fall if a battery dies suddenly or similar occurs like you seem to have had Clum!

Gives me big pause for thought ... I know you can get parachute systems but they aren't exactly cheap either ha
Do you find that X8c is stable when on low-rate mode? I had an x5c-1 which was annoyingly not that stable, but the x5c is a 30*30 quadcopter where the X8c is 50*50 sized so hopefully the x8c is more stable? edit- bloody hell that is massive


On the flip side, does it still feel agile on high rate mode?

I'm thinking of getting an x8c as I am quad copter-less at the mo (and previously had an x5c) and can't bring myself to splash out on the kit needed to build one myself!

Ok, bearing in mind I'm a complete novice to quads (only about 2-3 weeks in so far) I don't really feel 'qualified' as it were, to totally answer yer questions. So I'll just give you some rambling first impressions from a beginners point of view. :cool:

In 'Low' mode, its stable enough, but it's not particularly responsive to input from the controller if that makes sense? It certainly moves in the direction you want it to go but having tried it on 'High' mode, it's just so much easier to fly, even for a beginner like me. You can gauge responsiveness and the way it is going to move so much easier. I was over on the RCGroups forums X8C Thread (Which is HUGE btw) looking for tips on flying for beginners and a guy said to me to forget using 'L' mode and go straight to 'H' mode and that I would pick things up much more quickly. I have to say he was right.

As far as feeling agile is concerned, again - it's my first quad and the X8C ain't no Tarantula X6 which is one of the X8's rivals, but to me it still feels very 'zippy' and agile. It does seem to have a wide turning circle but the speed it can zip about with and particularly the speed it can climb/ascend at is pretty startling. If you remember the X8C is essentially a DJI Phantom 'clone' and not built for performance as such, you won't be far of the mark. For a beginner like me, it's plenty fast enough and responsive enough. I've no doubt that if I tried an X6 Tarantula I'd think 'Wow!!!....this thing is much quicker to respond!!' but I'm happy so far with the Syma.

From what I've read review wise, the X8 range are highly rated and regarded as good quads to fly and not only that but good quads to fly for beginners. I'm hoping once I've learned the basics with this that I may wish to move up spec to something more expensive, but considering you can pick these up for about £50 or so and parts are very cheap and readily available, I think an X8C is a very good bet for a newcomer to give a go.

Also, they do look 'massive' in videos on YouTube etc, but irl they ain't all that big. The rotor guards make them look bigger than they actually are. :cool:
Anyone seen or used these before: Eachine Falcon 250 FPV Quadcopter

Probably a more budget brand....basically after a quicker quad that can lift my mlbius easily and zip arou d fast (think the mobiis is under 50g extra payload)

Oh and want to spend under £200, hopefully be fpv compatible (tablet hopefully)which is why the above looks nice sold on BG
New Fpv gear.

Sold my phantom 3 and got into racer fpv. Started with the walkera f210 that i learned on. had lots of crashes and stood the test. then moved onto the vortex 250 pro. got fed up of the headplay size then purchased the dominator hd v2.

pics below.

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Sold my phantom 3 and got into racer fpv. Started with the walkera f210 that i learned on. had lots of crashes and stood the test. then moved onto the vortex 250 pro. got fed up of the headplay size then purchased the dominator hd v2.
I want to get a racer. I need to sell my current gear though which is proving tricky. I've hardly touched it over the past year - bored with it.

Where did you sell your stuff?
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