Your videos with the Mobius are top notch quality m8, I'm just struggling a bit to justify paying another £30-£40 for a Runcam 2 which has a few clever extras but going by some of the video footage I've seen on YouTube there isn't much in it, quality wise. Well, I say I'm struggling to justify paying the extra, but I'm actually talking about justifying the purchase to my other half as she thinks I'm nuts playing around with quads as it is!
Anyway, had a bit of a disaster today with my X8C. Family trip to the park and while wife and son are off to the play area I'm pulling the X8 out of the boot of the car and going for a quick flight. All started off fine, took her up and began practicing figure of eights which I'm getting pretty nifty at.

Then all of a sudden the quad starts making a strange noise, like a rattling noise from somewhere. Before I could descend to check it out, one rotor blade stopped spinning and it plummeted groundwards from about 60 ft up. About 10 feet from hitting the deck, it suddenly regained power and stopped literally inches from the ground, hovering in a bit of a labouring state. I let it land and took a look. One of the motors was indeed making a very strange rattling noise. When you spun the blade by hand it got almost all the way round then there was a high degree of resistance like something was jamming it. Ah well, back in the boot of the car.
Got home and did a tear down. And found this:-
Screw missing from motor mounting point. Guess where it was? Yep - under the gear wheel, jammed solid.
Resulting damage to the gear wheel teeth:-
Have ordered a spare set of gears and a couple of spare motors now in case of any further issues in the future.