Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

My birthday may have been in january, but it hasn't stopped me from splurging a bit on a little bit of quad fun, just gotta make myself a skidplate for it, and then redo the receiver this weekend, and I should be all set for not wrecking it.
Decided to just go for a Hubsan X4 to begin with. I will be able to fly it in the office most evenings so I think it will be good to get the feel of them. I can also use my friends larger quad for outside.

There are a lot of variants - is the H107L the best one to go for?
Yeah, H107L but don't be tempted to get the new + version. It has a barometer in it for altitude hold but it's extremely inaccurate so you end up fighting the controls all the time.
Got the last few parts for my build in yesterday (landing gear), got it all wired up, went in to program it and found that my APM's 3.3v regulator had popped :(

Picking up a replacement tonight - I'll be using the cheats method and plugging a new one in to a spare port though as I don't think my soldering skills are up to replacing it properly!
Anyone been out for a flight and just lost all ability to fly as usual? I went out for a quick flight this evening and I slammed the poor X8 into the deck 3 times. Just couldn't get my Mojo going at all! On a positive note the Foxeer camera is still performing superbly. I tried it with a carbon anti-vibration mount/gimbal today but it didn't feel right, flight wise - so I binned the gimbal and went back to just using velcro straight onto the camera/body. Works a treat.

Also fitted a low voltage warning buzzer and a DJI Phantom carbon top skin for giggles. :D




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Pre built and ready to fly, you just put the props on.

Do you mean the flight controller or the remote? As for the flight controller nk idea, I think it comes with open pilot installed.
Yeah I meant Flight Controller. Looks like its a variation of a CC3D with OpenPilot, like you say.

There's an even cheaper 250 in the Racer that's £90 without radio gear! That's insane. I spent probably £300+ scratch building a quad a couple of years back for as cheap as I could.

Once I get my house purchase sorted and get some free time and a place to fly back I'm tempted to not bother rebuilding my old one and perhaps just grabbing one of these pre built ones. That is, if its any good?
Seems good for me, look over on RCgroups there's a massive thread over there for it.

The racer is also good but apparently requires a bit of tuning before flying.
I use the silver type off banggood.

Finished my first quad build last weekend, this thing is insane! Indoors is possible but twitch and it'll try and blow a hole in the ceiling lol!

I wonder if anyone could inform me of the drone regulations when wanting to purchase a aerial camera drone. The footage would be used for promotional material for a school and also by our premise team to check the roof. So I guess this would come under commercial use. Obviously this would only happen during holidays while the school is empty.

If anyone has any info, is it feasible or too much red tape to jump through? Insurance? Licenses?

I wonder if anyone could inform me of the drone regulations when wanting to purchase a aerial camera drone. The footage would be used for promotional material for a school and also by our premise team to check the roof. So I guess this would come under commercial use. Obviously this would only happen during holidays while the school is empty.

If anyone has any info, is it feasible or too much red tape to jump through? Insurance? Licenses?


It it is technically commercial activity and would require PFAW. Your nominated pilot would need to sit either the RPQ-s or BNUC-s qualification (ground school, written test, flight exam) and then submit a flight operations manual.
Once that's done and assuming that your ops manual is all in order, the CAA will grant PFAW and you are free to do what you want within the regulations. You will also need public liabilities insurance as it's unlikely that hobbyists insurance (from say will cover you.
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