Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

Ah, hit a snag. I have Cyberlink Powerdirector 13 installed for editing video footage. Worked fine with the stock camera footage but doesn't seem to want to work with the Foxeer MP4 file format. Damn!!

Gonna have to fall back to Windows Movie Maker until I can figure out what the fix is. :(
Anyone here got a tbs discovery?

Reason i ask is now ive pretty much finished my tarot 680 hex im thinking about stripping all the electrics out of my f550 and putting them in a quad for a bit of a fun flyer

Is it worth getting an original tbs or would a clone be ok

Any idea if a 4s 5000 mah zippy lipo will fit on the frame
Knocked up a very brief vid of my first flight with the Foxeer Legend fitted. I used Wondershare Filmora as that seems to be quite a favorite with the multirotor guys on a FB page I'm a member of. Apologies for the flying, it was far too windy to be doing anything with a quad but I was desperate to try out the camera! Change the HD to 1080p for best viewing results. :D

Can anyone recommend a starter quad for up to maybe £100. Would prefer it to be lower but will spend the extra if it is really worth it.
A[L]C;29452124 said:
Can anyone recommend a starter quad for up to maybe £100. Would prefer it to be lower but will spend the extra if it is really worth it.

Starter as in?

Have you flown anything at all before? Helis or other? £100 is a fair whack to see if you'll enjoy the hobby.

Anyway, you could look at what I started on (jjrc h11c, but their may be more newer versions) or something like a syma x5c or along those lines. Bearing in mind you'll need to buy some extra batteries and the like.
Only experience I've had is a go on a friends little cheerson XC-10. I'd be after something I can practice with inside, but could also be used outside on a calm day.

Will take a look at the h11c and syma, thanks :)
If you click my YouTube link on my Sig it should take you to my channel which has some vids of the h11c, there should be a LOS type video (so third person) that shows how the quad moves (

My mates x5c is also decent enough, very very light though but it can take a beating.
Thanks a lot. Struggling to find the H11c - is the H12C the newer version perhaps?

Just to add - I'm really not fussed about having a camera - just want something to whip around and get the hang of to begin with.
Good as the camera is naff. The h11d is the same thing just with the fpv monitor basically. Something like the Syma is more mainstream though in reality.
I'm a beginner, been flying for a month or so. I bought a Syma X8C - £50 on the bay. Awesome quad, pretty good for a beginner. There is an X8HC out now which has an altitude hold option available on it too but I suppose there is something to be said for learning to fly without any artificial aids to help!

Be warned though - this is an addictive hobby. I've started buying all sorts of bits and bobs and a new action camera for it and I'm already lining up my next purchase which is looking likely to be an XK Detect X380. ;)
I'm liking the look of the Blade Nano QX - something which can be switched to a more advanced mode sounds good. I realise it won't be great outdoors though.
Yeah nanos can work outside, if it's windy mind you might have trouble :p

I'd argue the x8c isn't exactly a beginner quad, it's not exactly small and is relatively powerful
You're probably right m8. But it's fairly easy to get to grips with, with practice. You just have to be sensible with it and walk before you can run, so to speak. It is larger than an X5 and more powerful but having said that, I've found the extra power sometimes makes it an easier proposition to fly and get you out of trouble where something with less power would have hit the dirt. :p
Lol...I know that plan, about to employ one similar myself for the XK. Order now from Banggood and it should arrive at just about my birthday. Can't argue with a birthday present!! :D
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