Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

Decent. Quick. That and because it's a zmr250 clone basically there's a load of knowledge kicking about already.

Only.negatoves I've found so far are the lack of a stock low voltage meter and lack of OSD on fpv (they have it on the racer but not this one? :/)

Other than that I love it for a first hobby grade quad. I'll need to tune it to be able to get fancy with it though with regards to flips and rolls I think.

Could always add a simple osd easily though, So it's not that tuned out of the box then?
Its not for any gain at all, its just some vids I will put on youtube for my mates to watch.

Then you should be fine. I would still brush up on the regulations/recommendations about flying,lartocularly as you'll be near people.
I've popped in her before to ask about building a drone for use exploration - particularly Pripyat in Ukraine and the surrounding area.

I need something light and able to dismantle for traveling. I could go for a DJI or Yuneec but they look pretty big to lug around and we are on foot for at least two days whilst in the zone. I've looked at back packs for the DJI and frankly they look huge! It has to be powerful enough to carry a camera such as a GoPro or similar.

I also need enough parts to keep me going if I break it. One lad took a drone and didn't crash, another tried flying in a cooling tower and dived straight into a wall.

I don't know drones very well but race RC cars and have about 40 dotted around the house. I have a Spektrum DX6i although I've converted the throttle to spring loaded as I use it for a crawler I have.

So really I am asking where to start? HK has lots of kits etc but not sure which to go for. And what extras do I need to get?

Edit - can budget to say £500 and needs to be able to be dismantled into quite a small space.
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For that use case I'd go for a Phantom. Either a 3 advanced or a 4. Then get a backpack case for it.
Packs down very small and has all the features you're going to need.

I wouldn't consider the Inspire unless you either need dual operator, or want the better picture quality from the Inspire Pro's X5 camera.
Yeah, I'm leaning towards the DJI.

The F450s seem popular and look like they can be taken apart. Both options seem similar money once you add different parts.

If I decide to go the trip is October so will have to start soon to practice flying the thing. Will feel a right pleb going all that way and killing it or getting it stuck on a building.
I wouldn't bother building an F450 for this sort of thing. Yes, it's probably more flexible but unless you add Lightbridge to it you will have a crappy video downlink.

The Phantom series have everything you need and the most important thing is that they work with no fiddling and no faff. Just charge the batteries, attach phone or tablet to controller, switch on and you're flying and taking pictures.
Taranis for sure. Had mine a long time now and it's an utterly fantastic radio. Faultlessly reliable, 16 channels, inexpensive, extremely configurable, cheap to run if you have lots of craft because the receivers are cheap to buy.

I can't recommend it highly enough. I'd say it's only down side is because it's so configurable it can seem a little daunting at first.
Seconded for the taranis. Great radio.

Just thought I'd share some pics of my latest build :)

Gonna be for doing some RC exploring in, as opposed to proximity fpv, hooning about......
My god...How does the rear end handle? I'd expect it to be difficult with it on a pivot like that?!

With great authority! :) The best way to describe the flight characteristics is "swoopy". It's got more yaw authority that a standard quad as it is also using thrust to rotate the craft.
Ghandi I'm the same, A 250 for fast flying and my Tri-copter for cruising and filming. Mines a fair bit bigger than yours though.
They are nice to fly, I think I prefer it to the quad to be honest.
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Soo... i've had the go ahead from a friend. He wants to get an fpv racer :D

Budget wise - he doesn't really have a budget, but it needs to be value for money, not just spending for the sake of it. Say £800 to £1k max.

I was thinking Taranis + Dominator v3 which soaks up £460 straight away.

He would like it to be a self build so he can get familiar with the building side.

So if you had £350 to get a fpv quad, batteries, charger etc.. what would you go for?

Emax RS2205 or DYS SE2205 motors (2300KV), Littlebee 30A ESCs, Xracer F303 flight controller, HS1177 FPV camera, FX799T VTx, a Matek PDB, an LC filter and any 5" frame you like the look of. Preferably in the 210mm-230mm range to keep the agility up. DYS 5x4x3 props or DAL T5045 props if you want crazy power.

Batteries: There's a ton of choice in the £15-£20 each range. The Turnigy Graphenes are the best I've used, but not in stock in the UK right now.
Charger: Buy the best you can afford. It's one of those things that will last. The more watts the better, generally. Buy a parallel charging board and learn how to use it so you can charge multiple batteries at once. I've had my charger (Powerlab 8) for over 3 years now, and there's still nothing out that's better.

I'd save some money on the goggles and buy more batteries and better charger. Kylin look like they have a decent budget unit coming out, or there's the Quanum V2s that everybody gets first.

Personally, I fly with the Dominator HD V2s, but I was well and truly hooked when I bought them. Before that I flew the £20 Quanum v1s which are excellent for the money.
Seconded for the taranis. Great radio.

Just thought I'd share some pics of my latest build :)

Gonna be for doing some RC exploring in, as opposed to proximity fpv, hooning about......

Spotted you are running a Foxeer Legend. What firmware are you using? v 2.1 is out but lots of folk are saying there is a dark/light imbalance issue with it and have dropped back to v 2.0. Have you tweaked the camera settings any at all? I've just been running mine as it came out of the box but I was wondering if there are any nice little tweaks which Foxeer users use?

I posted a few days ago about wondering whether my newly ordered Lipo's would arrive in the post or not, given the Royal Mail's aversity to posting them. Well, they arrived this morning, thankfully. Interested to see how the Zop Power 2200 35C does in my X8C. It fits perfectly in the battery compartment which is nice for an uprated lipo.

A[L]C;29537027 said:
Can anyone recommend a lipo charger?

Everyone raves about the iMax B6. I bought a Dynamite Prophet Sport 35W which charges my 2000 mAh 2S Lipos in about 30 mins at 2 amps which is a damn site quicker than the standard charger at 200 minutes! It's a great little charger, fairly basic, you can adjust the charge rate through a fairly wide range and it never gets hot during use. Brilliant value at £20. It charges only via the balance plug though, which may not suit everyones needs.

I might pick up an iMax B6 at some point as I like the idea of the info the digital display can give although I can get about the same info just using my low voltage alarm gadget plugged into the lipo once its charged, which shows me the 2 x cells and how they are balanced. Be aware though, there are lots of fake iMax B6 chargers floating about for sale. I *think* the genuine ones have some sort of holographic sticker on the underside?
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