Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

First casualty


The annoying thing is it just spun out of the sky :p
Think I may have to give serious consideration to selling up my stuff, seems the lack of fine motor skills in my hand is making it almost impossible for me to fly anymore :(
some nerve damage in my left hand seems to be making it a little difficult for me to control things smoothly and jerky flying into things, isnt exactly fun. maybe by the end of the summer I will get enough motor control back in my hand to be able to fly straight, maybe not. just a little discouraged currently.
Slightly multi related question. Are ESCs one in the same mostly?

I'm looking to scratch build a foam fixed wing and with that purchase batteries and aradio gear etc. I'm gonna use a ore made plan and recommended power gear but not sure on the ESC. Recommends 12A with BLHeli software. What will I need to be mindful of apart from that? There's so much selection out there. Any brands to avoid and are there any places aside from Hobbyking to consider?

some nerve damage in my left hand seems to be making it a little difficult for me to control things smoothly and jerky flying into things, isnt exactly fun. maybe by the end of the summer I will get enough motor control back in my hand to be able to fly straight, maybe not. just a little discouraged currently.

Don't be discouraged. I smashed my face in nearly removing the end of my nose and part of my top lip. The nerves obviously were damaged but after a year most of the feeling came back. Small nerves take a long time to heal and so your motor skills will take a while too. If you havent been given exercises and massages to help, if be down the doctors asking for advice :)
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some nerve damage in my left hand seems to be making it a little difficult for me to control things smoothly and jerky flying into things, isnt exactly fun. maybe by the end of the summer I will get enough motor control back in my hand to be able to fly straight, maybe not. just a little discouraged currently.

Ahhh keep at it mam, things will come back.

Just get a cheap one for now that you don't mind taking a jjrc h11c has hit every tree in the local park I think :D
Slightly multi related question. Are ESCs one in the same mostly?

I'm looking to scratch build a foam fixed wing and with that purchase batteries and aradio gear etc. I'm gonna use a ore made plan and recommended power gear but not sure on the ESC. Recommends 12A with BLHeli software. What will I need to be mindful of apart from that? There's so much selection out there. Any brands to avoid and are there any places aside from Hobbyking to consider?

Don't be discouraged. I smashed my face in nearly removing the end of my nose and part of my top lip. The nerves obviously were damaged but after a year most of the feeling came back. Small nerves take a long time to heal and so your motor skills will take a while too. If you havent been given exercises and massages to help, if be down the doctors asking for advice :)

Sort of - for small quad FPV, ESCs can make a difference in how the motors respond, how they brake etc. Bear in mind the quad is steered in all directions using the motors, the ESCs become more important (with their associated firmware). Some of the older 12A Afros with SimonK firmware for example struggled to keep in sync with high RPM (KV) motors on 4 cells. Flashed with BLHeli (which is arguably much better optimised) and they are fine.

I'm sure I have a few used 12A afros around I could flash for you. Just drop me a trust with your address and I'll post them for you.

For a small fixed wing all the ESC will be doing is keeping your throttle going up and down, will be a lot less significant in terms of performance.
Used to have the phantom 3 and loved it.
now im wanting a yuneec h but would like to know is the
video stream as good as a phantom 3 to goggles.
anyone here know.
Made the most of the nice weather over the weekend and got out to do some flying, A few crashes later and I broke the VTX cloverleaf, chopped the RX antenna, power wire to the camera and the XT60 plug with the props. Lost another cloverleaf due to a dodgy 90 degree adapter that just fell apart.

So new RX antenna's ordered, A PDB for the ZMR250 and I'm on the hunt for some good 5.8ghz fpv antenna's. Thinking of going for some IBCrazy Bluebeam Ultras.

Thanks to a little win on the slots at the bookies I also ordered a new Kiss flight controller and 4x 24A race edition ESC's. Expensive hobby keeps getting more expensive :D
Just a heads up. Some 2204 cobra motors on the bay at just over a tenner each.

I bought mine from him. Be warned though, if you ever have any problems with them, you'll have to go to Cobra direct, and their support SUCKS! Magnets have started to slip down the bell on two of mine (common problem with their motors last year) and he says he's unable to sort out my warranty claim, even though he's an authorised dealer for Cobra.

It's been over a week, and I haven't even had an automated response from Cobra, never mind any sign of a replacement motor.

Personally, I'd buy DYS SE2205s if I were buying now (<£13 each), but Cobra were by far the most powerfull 22mm 2300KV motors out when I bought my sets.
Yes I have heard about the magnets, but not the poor support. I doubt they will be in much shape to send back after I've finished with them :D

Can't you just go via ebay and return them that way?
Can't you just go via ebay and return them that way?

I probably could, but they're 9 months old and I don't expect the seller to give me replacements from his inventory after that amount of time.

I just expected he'd contact Cobra on my behalf and get the ball rolling. Apparently not. A guy at Innov8tive designs (the US distributor for Cobra and Scorpion) is chasing Cobra up for me. Facebook does have its uses!

I'm lucky that I removed 4x newer Cobras from another of my quad's as I changed them for lower KV Emax motors. So I had spares and still have 2x to swap out if more show signs. Once I have no spares, I'll sell the 4 working motors and move on to another brand.
I see, 9 months is a long time.

I had them in my watch list for a while but saw they were reduced by nearly £5 so I couldn't say no. Can't be any worse than my current motors, Multistar Elite 2300kv's. Loose bearings on pretty much all of them.

Had a bit of good news today as well, The farmer next door has allowed me to use the field outside my front door so now I have a massive private space to fly any time I want to :D
Bearings aren't difficult to change. The hardest part is getting the c-clip off. Just make sure you have replacement c-clips/e-clips.
Got a cheap Walkera F210 going if anyone in North London fancies it. Posted on London Aerospace FB group, the F210 is an excellent machine, but need to fund my next purchase!
I have a Phantom 3 Advanced coming in the morning via the rain forest.

I had a bit of a brush with financial doom by risking a purchase from a shop that is known for selling cameras, supposedly a UK shop, much cheaper than anywhere else - and have a raft of bad reviews.

I decided that buying on a credit card and via paypal should be enough protection if it all goes wrong. Got a good deal and came with a nice Manfrotto backpack.

Seemingly all is well as it gets shipped via DHL - although I knew it would be a grey import it did raise an eyebrow when the shipment is in New York. Gets as far as Sorting and then nothing. Oh no...

Left it a couple of days and rang the shop, bit fobbed off at first but then did make the effort to ring DHL and the shop said it's fine it will move forward in a day or two.

Nothing happened for 24 hours so I ring DHL. They've put the shipment on hold while they inspect the contents.

DHL call me to say they inspected the shipment and rejected it. I suspect the way this shop gets round customs is to put a low value on things. This obviously didn't work this time around.

Called shop and in fairness to them offered a refund or resend. I thought about it but decided to get out while I had the chance.

Looking forward to getting to grips with it over the weekend.
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