Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

great, this is really useful.

I've been offered £1k so will take their hand off as soon as I am home.

I would. That's a great price. A local guy is trying to sell hsi phantom 3 with batteries and case on my local FB page for £850 atm........No chance he will get that when I am struggling to shift mine for £550 atm.
Looks like a bargain if you ask me! Will be a fun toy for a 9 year old, she'll love it :D

Just don't want you to get your hopes up when the photos look like a jelly potato.

Should be a laugh though, I'd be tempted by one myself :p

It will be great for a 9-year-old. Just buy some spare props.

Thanks for the input all. I shall be picking one up for her for Christmas so a little bit of a wait before I can offer any feedback, but I shall let you all know how she gets on with it.

I shall pick up some spares as well :)
From tonights sunset.


Imgur has made it more orange than what it is :(
Set a min throttle so zero isn't actually zero. Failing that you could look up air mode I think it's called?

Airmode looks like it will do the trick! I'll enable this on one of the switches. As for throttle, I do need to tweak as it is a bit of a gap before the stick actually engages the throttle. Is this something I set on the Taranis?

Well, whilst typing this, I just setup the tx's mins and max's so low is 1000 and high is 2000 on all channels. Also, put air mode on a switch and will try it tomorrow.

Thanks mate :D

Oh, I've gone through about 10 props so far. Need more!
I'm currently in the process of looking at getting into racing drones, currently liking the look of the EMAX NIGHTHAWK PRO 280, but have no idea if that's a good entry point into the sport or not yet.

The only trouble I foresee with going doing the racing drone route, is that to get the most out of them I really need to find somewhere/ club local to race it. Failing that I guess I need to be looking at more of a recreational use type drone, and if that's the case I don't really know where to start from that perspective.

I do currently have a Hubsan X4 H107C that I've been messing about with at home, and it's great fun to fly.

I am going to the UK Drone Show 2016 on the 3rd December at the NEC, so will hopefully be picking something up then.

Any advice on what I should be looking at would be greatly appreciated before hand.
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Airmode looks like it will do the trick! I'll enable this on one of the switches. As for throttle, I do need to tweak as it is a bit of a gap before the stick actually engages the throttle. Is this something I set on the Taranis?

Well, whilst typing this, I just setup the tx's mins and max's so low is 1000 and high is 2000 on all channels. Also, put air mode on a switch and will try it tomorrow.

Thanks mate :D

Oh, I've gone through about 10 props so far. Need more!

I have min throttle set on the flight controller in betaflight, but yes I believe (as you've found out) it can be done on the transmitter.

Cant remember if I have air mode enabled or not if I'm honest, need to double check. Also got some new motors to fit
I'm currently in the process of looking at getting into racing drones, currently liking the look of the EMAX NIGHTHAWK PRO 280, but have no idea if that's a good entry point into the sport or not yet.

The only trouble I foresee with going doing the racing drone route, is that to get the most out of them I really need to find somewhere/ club local to race it. Failing that I guess I need to be looking at more of a recreational use type drone, and if that's the case I don't really know where to start from that perspective.

I do currently have a Hubsan X4 H107C that I've been messing about with at home, and it's great fun to fly.

I am going to the UK Drone Show 2016 on the 3rd December at the NEC, so will hopefully be picking something up then.

Any advice on what I should be looking at would be greatly appreciated before hand.

Quite new to it myself, got a couple of other quads, (phantom 3 etc) but recently got my first racing drone.

I went for a eachine wizard x220 (paid about £220 for it in a sale from banggood). Had a couple of quality issues (leds were shorting out the 5v supply) but after sorting them I absolutely love the way it flys, it is a monster, and has taken some super hard hits! I just posted a video of me flying it a few posts ago on this page btw.

I am not familiar with the EMAX NIGHTHAWK PRO 280 but quickly looking it has only got 12A esc's and it looks big. I think it will be really slow and boring, the wizard has got 20A ESC's and I will be looking to put 30A versions on my next build.

Not sure if I will start racing, I don't even own any goggles yet but even just flying line of sight I can't get enough of it :)
As for throttle, I do need to tweak as it is a bit of a gap before the stick actually engages the throttle. Is this something I set on the Taranis?

Oh, I've gone through about 10 props so far. Need more!

Lower mincheck to something like 1010 in the gui or CLI screen, that will sort out your dead space at the bottom of the throttle travel.

As for props - get some DAL ones - they're pretty much unbreakable and will save you a ton of cash when you're learning. the 5045 tri-blades are good, but need pokey motors to get the best of. The 5040 2-blades are ok too.

these ones:

or these ones:

and don't listen to people who will try and tell you that props act like "mechanical fuses" and save your motors, this is not true. I have mullered plenty of motors - all of them with normal props, weirdly.
DJI emailed an update today, saying that shipping for all Mavic Pro orders pre today is now running at 7 to 8 weeks, but that orders have been shipping now for the past 2 weeks. Boo.
Not sure if this is really the right thread to ask but it's on the subject of drone things so worth a try.

My little boy, who will be 5 in January, would like a drone for Christmas.

Now, I don't want to spend a great deal as he'll almost certainly get far too many toys from grandparents etc and it'll get forgotten but I would like to get him something.

Can anyone suggest any that might be suitable? I'm thinking it'll be for use indoors so nice and small, and ideally really simple to fly so he doesn't just get frustrated and give up, also with reasonable flying time and/or quick charging times...

Any help very much appreciated!
Charging will be an hour on the small toy quads, with something like 5/10 mins flying time.

You need to bear in mind they have blades on them, while on the nanos you could argue they wouldn't hurt, get one of those in your eye and you'll know about it.

Just look at some nano quadcopters, they'll be sub £50 and should fly okay....They won;t be amazing obiously but I'd be weary of handing one over to a five year old just like that :p
No harder or easier to fly that any other quad. It all depends on what flight controller you use and hopw well it's set up. A craft like that I'm assuming you are wanting it for aerial photography and so you will want probably an A3, Naza, or PixHawk.

What are you wanting to do with it? Anything other than semi-pro photography you would be better off with a Phantom or a Mavic TBH.

Is this your first quad? I'm guessing it is as you are asking about ease of flight. If so, then definitely get a Phantom. It will be a lot cheaper than building up a Tarot 650.
Is this your first quad? I'm guessing it is as you are asking about ease of flight. If so, then definitely get a Phantom. It will be a lot cheaper than building up a Tarot 650.

I did try a Emax Nighthawk Pro 280 but couldn't deal with its agility I guess. Someone suggested getting a bigger drone with 12"+ blades as they are quote: The easiest and most stable to fly.....
They are, but the stability is there so that they're a stable camera platform. What are you actually wanting to do?
A 5-year-old will have difficulties I think.
You want something with prop-guards for certain with a child that young as he will fly it in to his face for certain.

One of these is fun and easy to fly. Be careful with the batteries though. Even though they are toys the batteries are still LiPo and dangerous.

Charging will be an hour on the small toy quads, with something like 5/10 mins flying time.

You need to bear in mind they have blades on them, while on the nanos you could argue they wouldn't hurt, get one of those in your eye and you'll know about it.

Just look at some nano quadcopters, they'll be sub £50 and should fly okay....They won;t be amazing obiously but I'd be weary of handing one over to a five year old just like that :p

Hmmm, pretty much confirmed what I was fearing but figured I'd ask anyway, I have to say I'm not keen on the idea as I think it'll end up with destruction and a fed up little boy when he can't manage to fly it or it gets broken flying into a wall (or the tv...:eek:).

Thanks for your input guys, think I'll look down another route for him...
Yeah, I think that's a wise move. I don't really think they're appropriate for a child until they're 12 ish as it's hard to convey the danger presented by batteries and spinning blades to a young child.
My son (3) loves to watch me fly but he has to stay well away from the take-off and landing area. I've given him a controller with no batteries that he holds and pretends he's flying while I do the actual flying. He loves that.
Just ordered my 1st fpv set up with martian ii, hd3's and a taranis.

Glad there are lots on here with similar.

As I get home in the dark I also plan on making a 3 or 4 inch frame using the night eagle, looks great for night flying
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