When building your own, how do you go about deciding on which motors, ESCs and flight controllers to use? Do you need to match certain types for any particular measure?
For instance, would these all work nicely together:
Flight Ctrl
I have no idea which specs to look at to determine if one is better/more desirable than the other
Short answer, yes, they would all work together, fairly easy to set up and should be good for a quad up to about 1,000g on a 3s battery or a bit more on a 4s battery (latter provides more volts, so spins the motor faster, so more thrust but weighs more!) You might want the 30a ESC's though.
Long answer....
So once you've decided on what sort of flying you want to do (acrobatics, FPV, Aerial video/Photography etc) then that should give you some guidance as to which flight controller would suit...
KK2, Multiwii are quite good for the Acrobatic styler of flying
Multiwii, APM, DJI and Xaircraft amongst others make ones with GPS available that are good for FPV and AP/AV stuff.
Other are available so best to do some reading on this
So firstly, you need to find your frame you want to use, then work out what the rough "all up weight" will be. This should include; frame, batteries, wire, esc's, motors, rx, flight control board etc. Gimbal & camera if you are going to use them!
Then, you need to find a motor and prop combination that will generate lift equal to your AUW at 50% throttle. Most manufacturers publish these specs. Frame size will also dictate how big props you can spin.
I know this is a bit chicken and egg, but you can make a rough guess at the first and then refine the estimate, once you know roughly what you want!
Finally, ESC needs to be rated to the maximum draw of the motors you pick.
Battery choice is then explained quite well on one of the first pages of this thread!