Muse's new album

Zefan said:
I saw a DVD of them pratting about and he just seems arrogant generally but as I said he is ace so he's allowed to be like this a little otherwise he'd just be boring. Nothing else I've seen him do is that bad, he's just a front man that has character, a good one too!

I'd say he's really arrogant because I've met him and he spent 90% of his time on the tour bus away from everyone. We were also told that if Muse saw anyone watching their soundcheck they would tell everyone to leave the room.

On 'Absolution' the only songs I really rate are 'Falling Away With You', 'Time is Running Out', 'The Small Print' and 'Stockholm Syndrome'. Compared to the other albums where I'd be hard pressed to name two bad songs that's a fair drop in quality.

Their live show is now unbelievably sterile and over-rehearsed compared to what it used to be.
Sic said:
woohoo, 2 of my favourite bands in 2 years set to disappear up their own collective arses. joy.

i do hope this album isn't Muse's Frances The Mute (last nail in the coffin)

What are you saying? Frances the Mute was a superb album. While I preferred De-loused you cannot possibly say Frances the Mute was anything other than amazing.
Superdude said:
What are you saying? Frances the Mute was a superb album. While I preferred De-loused you cannot possibly say Frances the Mute was anything other than amazing.
He can, and a lot of other people will too - including me. 'Deloused' was a great album and really different to anything else going on in the music world at that time. I really hoped they could continue it with 'Frances' but sadly you can really tell there was no producer to reign them in and say 'No lads, that's just a bit too pretentious. I mean come on, 5 minutes of silence/static?

I really struggle to listen the whole way through to 'Frances' as it just spends far too long doodling about. 'Deloused' was far more refined and condensed the album down into it's finest moments.
Superdude said:
What are you saying? Frances the Mute was a superb album. While I preferred De-loused you cannot possibly say Frances the Mute was anything other than amazing.
De-Loused was one of the first albums I'd heard in a long time that actually feels like an album. It doesn't just feel like a collection of tracks, it feels like the way most albums should feel.

I'm not a huge fan of the ambience they have in Frances the Mute. It just bored me, to be honest. I think they managed to get lost in some kind of free jam for most of it!

Incidentally, the new TMV album is complete.
I never really liked muse, they always came across to me as very directable to give a "punk-radiohead for teenagers", everything they did was a hideous attempt to give a shibboleth (yes I looked that word up :p) of alternativism. (and I made that word up :D ) The continued Yorkey whining, covers of soul and crap early rock songs really grated after the second album and made me give up any hope on them.

As to Frances the Mute, I would term it as a progressive self-masturbatory stuffed heap which just keeps pouding on until it finally stops.

But hey, thats just my opinion! ;)
Superdude said: cannot possibly say Frances the Mute was anything other than amazing.
I'm about to achieve the impossible - Frances The Mute was something other than amazing. It wasn't bad as such, but nowhere near as compelling and well engineered as De-Loused, and has not received anything like the listening that De-Loused has and will.
William said:
As to Frances the Mute, I would term it as a progressive self-masturbatory stuffed heap which just keeps pouding on until it finally stops.

That's the best summation of that album I've ever heard :D

Woody - any idea when the new TMV is being released?
Woody__ said:
I'm not a huge fan of the ambience they have in Frances the Mute. It just bored me, to be honest. I think they managed to get lost in some kind of free jam for most of it!
You should see them live then... *yawn*

Incidentally, the new TMV album is complete.
Already? I'm hoping they realised their mistakes from FTM and have tightened things up again this time around.
Big Chris said:
You should see them live then... *yawn*

I saw them at Reading when 'Deloused' had just come out and they were great. I'm so glad I saw them before the No swearing! came out ;)
Listen to the new album before passing judgement. This seems like the most logical thing to me.

I'm glad there's more Muse coming though :)
Ive heard the new single, ''supermassive black hole'' off a french radio station aired online, and i have to say, im very dissapointed :( . I dont want to be, because muse are one my favourite bands. I believe the first uk airing is on radio 1 tommorow at about 10 am ;) . See what you think for yourself then. I hope the album is a little less...experimental.
IceBus said:
That's the best summation of that album I've ever heard :D

Woody - any idea when the new TMV is being released?
No idea. What I do however, is this: Omar has produced again. He taught John Fruisciante all of his guitar parts so that Omar could sit back and listen to them objectively. They recorded it by giving each member just a drum track to play along to and just seeing what happened.
I heard the new single from that French radio live stream as well and it was absolutely dire.

The days of 'Newborn' and 'Fillip' are well and truly gone. It actually sounds a lot more like The Darkness than Muse tbh. This album deserves to be a complete flop if that is the calibre of material on it.
Just heard the new single also! I couldn't help but laugh when I first heard it but it's growing on me with each listen.

Apparently a lot of the album is meant to be operatic rock style, which is a vast difference to the single so hopefully the rest of the album will be like Absolution, where T.I.R.O wasn't that strong but there were some belters anyway :)
got it! Sounds like Britney Spears and ROoster did a duet. I really am not joking. However I like it, in a way. IE I wouldnt tell people in public I like it, I would slate it for not actually being muse, but secretly, I like it :p
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