My Light Painting Evolving

A few more I had a look at last night.

Orb in an Orb by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

Had a go trying an Orb inside an Orb, not bad but not what I wanted, the colours seem very faint for what I was aiming for, a re-shoot I think :)

Fire on the Beach by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

Big wool burn, and spun an Orb with it while it was finishing off. New wool (thicker) and a new tool, whisk :) made a much bigger burn!

Cropped version, I couldn't decide which I preferred??

Fire on the Beach (Cropped) by M+M Morrison, on Flickr
Superb stuff here, I'm really going to have to try this at some point.

What are you using to house the battery & wool?
Superb stuff here, I'm really going to have to try this at some point.

What are you using to house the battery & wool?

Pretty certain for the wire wool. From reading on the internet. You put the wire wool inside a metal whisk, light it by using a 9v pp3 battery and attach some cable, wire etc and spin it like a mad man and sparks fly off. Although be careful as A) they will be hot and B) you do not want them to land on your camera gear.

As for the Orb tool. I believe one of the ways is some battery powered LED lights from 'that auction site' clumped together, long wire, and spun round a pivot point on the ground.

This is from what I gather from the internet reading about it. I plan on trying it as well soon. (perhaps tonight if I get the chance to get out of the house and go somewhere private and quiet)
Superb stuff here, I'm really going to have to try this at some point.

What are you using to house the battery & wool?

Thanks for asking, I you look at the orb tool in post 35 and at the beginning of the thread when making the tool, the battery's are kept in the battery box on the end of the wire along with the switch.

I was using a mesh cage for my wire wool, but for the most recent ones above ivused a whisk on a bi of string. As said above a 9v battery to light. If you give the thread a read or check out 'light junkies' group on Flickr there is stacks of awesome info about light painting.

Anything else just ask :)

I now use an LED torch for my orbs, taken the switch out soldered a cable on, switch on the end and a plastic surround stuck on the end to house the gels. You. An see the difference, first shot with it was 'Under the Bridge'
Love this stuff!

Thanks :)

Well haven't made it out in a wee while now, was hoping for last night but the sky got all clouded and started to rain. So here is something I haven't tried in this thread yet... a self portrait.

A Lenser Portrait by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

This was a quick 5 min job, set camera up, set 10 second timer, roughly set focus, lights off, click and switch V24 on. Shame I didn't think of this on May the 4th :(
Managed a quick hour out last night, it was more twilight than anything, sun was down but still a bit of daylight left, gave a bit of a challenge as when shooting toward the bright sky made it very easy to blow. Here's the first of the night, an old shack/Airidh (Gaelic) on the Pentland Road I had spotted a while ago on a trip for work.

Pentland Orb by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

Lighting on this was the new Orb Tool, with a few yellow and an orange gel in the end. YN-467 popped 3-4 times in the enclosed section with 2 purples over it. Shack lit up slightly with Lenser P5 from above camera and also what was left of the twilight from camera right.

Lighting wise it was quite challenging trying to calculate what exposure was needed, a bit of rough work and setting changes to get what I wanted. Also the light was changing constantly as the light was reducing quite fast. A good chunk of experience gained, practice, practice and more practice!
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Hope you guys aren't getting bored of me churning out these shots?! Anyway on with the show!

Another 2 from the Pentland Road outing (maybe a bit of background to the road, its a single track road that cuts through nearly straight through the Island, there are main roads that are newer and more substantial. This is where in the old days people came to cut peats and stay in these small houses through the summer) There are loads of these small huts/shacks dotted along this road, this one sticks out due its its ruined shape and structure.

Similar angle to the first but with slightly different lighting, Orange and yellow gels in the Orb and purple gels over a popped flash in the hut, making up my favorite colours just now.

Shacked Up by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

From the front, this was slightly harder to light as the bright sky in the background was very easy to blow out. So I think I went with lower ISO and slightly higher Aperture to balance the sky out, a bit more lighting from the Lenser P5 to highlight the edges of the building as well as other bits of detail. The V24 was used to light the inside.

Up Close and Personal by M+M Morrison, on Flickr
Another hour out last night, returned to the 'Orb Shacklocation. Went inside with the camera this time, had my wellies at hand though!

Had this idea for a while now so thought it might work out quite nice in here. V24 and a Red Gelled flash popped.

Beauty and the Beast by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

An Orb in the shack, very wet and muddy in there so not so perfect...

Orange Delight by M+M Morrison, on Flickr
Fantastic work.

The 2nd from last one is excellent.

Holy self-promotion, vassman ;)

Thanks guys

Another from the trip out the other night. This was all my wife's idea and composition so can't take credit for it, we were out for a walk a few weeks ago in our local grounds scoping out some places for light painting (trip still to be made ;)) and she spotted this place from miles away. At the time however where the Orb has been done was dry land... glad I had my wellies! Surroundings are lit by various lamp posts along the path.

Creed River Ball by M+M Morrison, on Flickr
I haven't been able to get out much in the last few weeks, due to the brightness up here, you don't get much darkness this time of year :( so anyway I had to break out the lights to keep me sane, a wee bit of wafting!

Stair Wafting by M+M Morrison, on Flickr
Got back out last night for 45mins, very last minute, just wanted to try out this place. As you can tell from the exposure it is still very much bright up here, so easy to get near daylight shots, I'm sure I could have left it a bit longer and got it even brighter!

Hiding in the Woods by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

I have been trying spinning the Orbs doing 3-4 full turns, however I seem to be getting a double Orb if you can see what I mean recently. So will have to work on my technique a bit and test out more, uneven ground is a killer for me too. More practise!
It's a long exposure set up in the dark (or near dark in this case, there was light coming in from the windows on each level and the pink is the reflection off the rails).

Then walked down and then back up the stairs wafting the LED Lenser V24, seen here, it's basically a glorified light-saber :)
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Looks great. Nice contrast of blue and orange there. What I keep imagining though is you la-de-da'ing like a fairy from left to right with a blue lightstick in a forest. Kinda makes me laugh a bit. ;)
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