My Light Painting Evolving

Well I woke up this morning to find a few updates from Flickr, all to do with the 'Monumental Orb' shot, seems I hit Explore with it! I know some people think Explore is a load of rubbish etc, and I can see a shed load of rubbish on it however some great stuff does get on. Either way I'm really quite pleased about it :)
Right well had a wee shot of the new V-24 indoors last night, good fun! Really happy I got it and really can't wait to get out. As usual new toy = bad weather...

Squiggly Squiggles by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

Also after *borrowing my Bro in Law's P7 I got an early Anniversary present tonight... my very own Lenser P7... my wife is awesome! :D

(*Read as 'Stealing while offshore')
Thought I would do a wee recap on how things have progressed, from the first Orb to my most top 4 'Popular' shots on Flickr at the moment.

The first:

And most Popular, which includes one of my most recent outing which hit 'Explore':

Should hopefully get out soon.. the nights are drawing in :)
Tried a different form of light-painting last night, lighting a small object. It was a bit harder than I thought, trying to get the colours correct and the exposure was pretty tricky was good fun though!

A bit of back story, the Mug/cup has a Light-Painted shot from The Flying Monk who I have followed for some time now, in fact he was one of the first Light-Painters I came across and intrigued me! The shot is of a small local school on the Isle of Harris which is going to be closed next year due to cost cutting and lack of pupils (6 I think at last count) I have a very soft side for this school as I worked as the IT Tech for all the schools in Harris for a number of years.. this was my favourite, not due to the readily available tea and biscuits!

Ok too much talk!

The Flying Mug by M+M Morrison, on Flickr
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Got my hands on a 5Dc for the weekend with a view to buying so have to put it through its paces light painting. I didn't have a remote to use with it so 30 seconds was all I had and with the weather being rubbish I decided to jump in the bath!

Playing in the Bath by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

Shot with a Sigma 10-20mm Ef-s giving a lot of vignette, 2 red gelled strobe pops undere the bath a blue gelled Led P7 around myself. I wasn't too impressed with the camera, it's good but not as much as I would have liked, think I will stick with the 500D for the time being.
Amazing :cool: If you could get rid of all the background and have it on a black bachground... :D

Yea, that was just a quick test in doors, completely black would have been good, it's just so bright! The weather has been pants up here the last while so haven't been able to get out with it yet :( boo!
Had a 2 hour trip out last night, been staying with the in-laws just now over in Barvas for the last few nights so thought I'd use the opportunity to go back to where it started :)

After reading Troy Paiva's new book I wanted to try a bit of a different lighting approach and to see how I have come on since March. Used a bit of Lenser P7 to light the end of the ruin from camera left and then from camera right did a slight past down the side, a few pops of 'The Purple One' gelled strobe.

Return to the Ruin by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

Wool Spin from inside the main room, I wonder what the game keeper was thinking as all this was going on! (he stays in the old green bus in the background watching over the salmon river)

The Roof is on FIRE! by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

This small ruin has some great features in it, I could spend the whole night in this place! Then new P7 is great as well, a quick blast on the wall before running round the corner for a nice wee Orange Orb against the glow of sunset.

Through the Window by M+M Morrison, on Flickr
Nice work indeed , i need to do more painting too. Done the wire wool thing but want something different. Just ££ to do it though :(
Nice work indeed , i need to do more painting too. Done the wire wool thing but want something different. Just ££ to do it though :(

In a way it's not too expensive at all! Cheap Ebay remote (for shots over 30seconds) £10-£15 and some battery powered Christmas lights £1.50 max or you can get double packs for about £2.50... at least that's what I started off with. Once you start looking into bigger and better alternatives... I use an LED Lenser P5 for my Orb tool now and a P7 as my flash-light for lighting things along with a Yongnuo 467 as a strobe and then there are the Lenser V-24's :( ouch haha

Sunset ribbon is an awesome shot. Fantastic work again.

Nice one... glad you like hopefully more to come soon with a wee one due in less than two weeks my timetable has been filled with other stuff :D
Ok again, it's been a while since I got to do new stuff, so got itchy feet and did a bit of a dance inside tonight.

Custom white balance in camera, converted from RAW and added watermark...

To The Point... by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

Used the Nifty 50mm 1.8 for the first time doing light-painting too, it will be used again!
Again, another night inside playing around and again back to play about with the old Orb tool. Really glad I went back to it and trying to improve it, I'm now at the point of it being back in my bag to take it back out again and giving it a whirl.

I didn't get any Orb shots I was 100% happy with last night though, the only shot I got that I really liked was a totally gone wrong shot! The tool hit my head on the first spin so walked towards the camera to shut it off and was pleasantly surprised with the result!

Flowing Colours by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

From this you can see how the LEDs are set out and the individual colours making it up.
Got out for a quick trip last night with the full moon, had this little location planned for a good while, and it turned out the 3 shot had had planned turned out nothing like I had planned! :D

So on with the shots we go!

This wreck has been here for years and always wondered what it was... turns out its a little overnight moor-house or Airidh as they are called up here. Bare LED on headlights, Green LED on grass, Pink LED on front and side of 4x4 and Yellow strobe popped a few time in the back.

New Age Airidh by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

Well she's due on Sunday so thought I would get the wee one started on Light-Panting.. never too early is it? ;) Bare strobe popped twice behind her and some traffic going past.

Light-Painting Baby! by M+M Morrison, on Flickr

Got the 'Old' Orb tool out and spun one, couldn't have planned on having the Big Dipper above though... didn't see it while out so was a nice surprise when I got it on the big screen at home!

The Big Dipper by M+M Morrison, on Flickr
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