I dno - I am/was a big Q3 player (just dont get the time nowadays) and moved from a very decent VM Pro 451 to this while I still played a lot (considering I was on an old system it was the only game I could attempt to play competitively).
Now the ghosting and motion blur were readily apparent when I made the move (tested mainly looking at the DX cube), the motion blur annoyingly still is, as I do try and scroll through web pages/documents trying to skim read - tis an art trying to make it fast enough without garbling the text. I have learnt to live with it and accept it as a flaw with TFT tech...
IMO with a game like Q3, which is arguably the fastest type of game in its genre, especially when you play it with low visual settings to maximise FPS, I have noticed both issues, but I have to be honest that both havent really affected my skills that much and over time ghosting just isnt apparent even on space maps with their high contrast. I probably do miss more long range rails/snapshots than I used to, but its hard for me to blame my equipment rather than me being out of practise (misjudgement of ping/weapon delay, velocity and direction of target relative to me...) and I doubt the visual acuity and representation of the game on this monitor could solely be at fault...
I havent played COD myself so I dno how different it would be to Q3 on this monitor or indeed between a CRT and a LCD - but I think thats part of my point, without having the benchmark of how COD runs on a CRT it gets more difficult to distinguish the apparent disadvantages such games show on TFTs. The first new game I played on this monitor was Far Cry (after a systems overhaul) and I still was able to slightly notice the ghosting/motion blur (nothing like Q3 to me anyway), but as Ive not played it on a CRT so Ive subconsciously accepted that what I saw is what I should see and it hasnt affected my enjoyment of the game - I had probably more trouble with my new mouse and getting used to that than the monitor for sure.
I think most user reviews Ive read have been fair and valid - without being an experienced monitor expert its sometimes hard to be impartial and also write something that encompasses every possible facet for this monitor - theres always something useful to gleam...
Do I think you wont get ghosting/motion blur on other TFTs? - Yes you definitely will since AFAIK its an inherent deficiency with TFT technology, just matters how good panels get in reducing it and subjectively on the particular individual themselves. Would I go back to my old CRT? - Never in a million years - though if it was a 24" Widescreen
, then thats an interesting question
As you said this monitor is a different kettle of fish than your previous one and like me youll have to get used to widescreen and the difference in how your POV is represented, inherent issues with TFT tech like motion blur and ghosting, changes in sensitivity due to larger desktop size and so forth. Remember you have moved to something thats a lot different to what you had before, its like riding a bicycle then hopping onto a motorbike expecting to be proficient straight off the bat...
I think Im a hardcore FPS gamer (when I have the time) – its definitely not an ideal monitor for such a game given the above and the money you need to drive this monitor to acceptable frame rates, but I think its a very competent compromise…
As always Ive rambled just a bit too long there was a point somewhere in this post - if you find it please tell me