I've had a couple of days experience with the monitor now and from a purely gaming aspect, its the best purchase I have ever made.
Games I managed to try in that time were HL2, Quake4, Doom3, WoW, Warcraft3, Civ4, Duex Ex 2, Far Cry and a couple of others.
I didn't experience anything in any of the games that effected my enjoyment of them. Ghosting was minimal. To be honest I didn't notice any, but I am coming from a TFT to the 2405 and my eyes are 34 years old so maybe thats why.
Experiencing HL2 and WoW on these monitors is probably the most immersive and amazing gaming experience I have ever had. You don't realise what you miss from a game that supports WS natively until you try these two games.
The other games were great as well after some tweaking of the config files. This may be the only downpoint for some peeps. It requires a bit of fiddling if a game dosen't support WS out of the box but for me this was part of the fun of it as I enjoy tinkering.
Size!!! Its just so huge. That will take some getting used to. I may need a higher dpi mouse.
All of the opinions I read seem split with regards to the experience's people have had; some good, some bad. Its been amazing for me but I think it will all be down to the individual.
My system:
AMD 64 4000+
XFX 7800gtx
DFI Lan-Party NF4
1gb mem
The games ran on my system very well at 1900x1200 although for the games where I had to edit the config files to run the WS resolutions, I found 1680x1050 better. It scales well at lower resolutions in games but found the desktop a bit iffy below 1680x1050 and was best in 1900x1200 naturally.