Name this... whatever it is

Seriously I couldn't stop thinking of this bloody thing whilst I was eating my dinner. Thanks for ruining my dinner tonight and probably for the rest of the week Gilly.
If I bite into a bit of gristle it makes me wretch and I cut the fat off my bacon before I cook it. I can fairly safely say if I had just seen that then I would be a whimpering heap on the floor. That is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.
It is significantly smaller but no less vomit-inducing now it has dried out.


Yup, it's a Zerg alright. A baby Infester I would say...

Be warned Gilly - these things can take control of your mind with their neural Parasite, or freeze you to the spot with fungal growth. Also, they can spawn infested Terrans. They can also burrow, so you'll need some sort of you happen to have a Protoss Observer handy?
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