Hi there
Well being getting into the show scene, last three weekends, attended a show each weekend, first weekend was American car show at Tatton Park, had the car on show and I got burnt like crazy, forecast was overcast whole day, the reality was clear blue skies and red hot, no hat, no suncream so I got fried, anyway a picture:
Following weekend I attended the super cars northwest meet at Preston Marina, was lots of nice stuff on display including a lot of American stuff:
This weekend attended Modurstang open day, absolutely fantastic, live band, free food, drink, beer, champagne, though it rained early on which put a lot of the classic stuff off, 92 cars turned up. Here is an aerial shot of some cars in the field, though many were parked in the units and around:
A video of Modurstand event from this weekend and previous years:
I've also got my new brake disc fitted, shaved 11kg of the car, that is close to 35kg removed with brakes and lighter wheels and oh my can you feel it in acceleration but even better car just seems to ride lovely, just glides over bumps, very impressive considering its on KW Clubsports.
I've also fitted rear sequential indicators and shall be doing fronts as well, will post some videos up at some point but now its not just Audi's or US imports with the fancy lights.
Brakes seem to work great, gone for a less track orientated pad as stock they come with DS2500 in the front, switched to a less dustier pad all round with a more linear pedal feel which I like, only downside they are not recommended for track use, guessing they fade so if I go on track have to keep that in mind.
Going to be adding some more touches of acid green to the car over next few days, one of my cats seem to have failed or something has broken in the exhaust as its rattling internally setting of my knock sensor, Ford had it in, agreed exhaust has failed internally and are changing under warranty this Thursday. Great service from the new dealership, they really are superb!
Am also going to paint the mirrors black and wrap the roof black to finish it off styling wise!
I shall be at Donnington this Friday, car goes into Autobright 26th for a full polish and wax, then off to Ford Fair in August and then doing NC500 again late August, fingers crossed this time in the Mustang.