It's known "its not big anymore" syndrom in life. Unfortunately, it's applicable on the LCD monitors also. You know that feeling ... your power up your first WS LCD monitor and think its huge ... and then days go by and you suddenly have that restless feeling inside that it's not "big anymore". Actually, I think that I've had the same syndrom related to my newly bought flat size, after spending few months there ... and then I came to my senses and realised that I'm just fuzzy and that there is no pratical or logical reason that I "upgrade" myself to the new and bigger flat. It happened also with my 32" LCD TV. It's just never-ending story. Strictly speaking, I would like to have (as an additional toy) high end projector and that should probably cure any possible unrest about the screen sizev0id said:while I'm enjoying the widescreen aspect, I really would like a few more inches. Having researched widescreen monitors for a while before deciding on this one it doesn't seem like there are any bigger WS tfts that are as good for gaming. Am I wrong?
24" LCD monitors market is pretty much stagnant and (still) in development. I would like to see some new 24" WS (or larger) LCD monitors, based on the same AS-IPS technology as NEC (preferably from the NEC itself), as I accept no substitute from now on As AS-IPS panels are usually associated with the higher production costs, I guess that price would be premium on such models ... time will tell. If you are really thinking about the gaming LCD screen size upgrade, I would suggest you to wait a bit more until some next gen large screen LCD monitors emerge on the market.
Screen size is usually just personal matter. For me, I would rather have the 20" monitor with the great PQ than upgrade just because of the screen size. Price premium for those extra few inches is also not attractive for me. For example, Dell 2405 is a good screen. It has that "wow" gaming factor because of the screen size ... but that's pretty much all. I've seen couple of 2405 in action and colours were simply "washed out" (comparing to NEC), viewing angles were poor and noticeable screen lag was present (my vision is very picky). When I reviewed the NEC, I realised that it's really in class of it's own. Apart from everything else, that was my main "drive" for the review itself.
Please be careful that native 1920x1200 resolution of the 24" screens is demanding the high end hardware, and I guess that newly developed games will definitely not be "less demanding". If you play such games in 1680x1050 (or lower) on 24" or larger screens and when you combine the fact that such screens usually have larger pixel pitch ... results are probably not so pleasant (at least when you watch the monitor form the relativly closer distance). Like all LCD panels around, it has it's pros and cons. You will gain some and loose some when you upgrade to larger screen. As already mentioned, choice of monitors is usually down just to personal preferences and we have people who are happy with both screen sizes.
I hope that my thoughts are plausable to you. Of course, at the end, choise is always yours.
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