I did say there were areas that Nikaz could make up quite a bit of time on his 1:28. Just had to get them altogether on one lap.
Now I am going to be bold here and just for a second assume that this holds. I am off to South America for 6 weeks on Friday night so will not be able to compete anymore
As such, can I choose next weeks track and car and post up some lap times in advance? If so, can I get a vote on tuning or not as I believe some people miss it but others feel it levels the field.
As far as I'm concerned win or lose, I'm happy to drive your track/car choice for Week 9, no problem at all. Could you possibly e-mail Pete the links to your screen grabs so he can post them on your behalf DURING Week 9 i.e. After Sunday Midnight? This way Week 8 can run it's full course.