Need to vent, just lost £2600

I think for the sake of warning people about gambling it is important to point out that for every case such as Rotty (which I don't doubt is legit) there are probably a couple of people who have lost money. Admitting you lost money on the internet makes you look like a fool, hence why many don't mention it.
Mr.T said:
I think for the sake of warning people about gambling it is important to point out that for every case such as Rotty (which I don't doubt is legit) there are probably a couple of people who have lost money. Admitting you lost money on the internet makes you look like a fool, hence why many don't mention it.

I only made money by abusing sloppy t+c's at certain online casinos , when they tightened the rules up I stopped playing :p
Slam62 said:
OP you're not a financial advisor are you, you seem to live in the same dream world.

Still i expect you really have won 40K ..... not, no way man ..... not in a zillion years........ somehow i dont think so ........ ha, ha ,ha ,ha ,ha ...... there's one born everyday........ :rolleyes:

Stick yer rolleyes. It's easily possible. My best mate plays on-line poker a bit and more than matches the income from his job!

Having said that, I do think there is something a little fishy about this whole tale...
Mohinder said:
Funny that, all gamblers seem to win most of the time if you ask them.

The house always wins.
Shows you dont know what your talking about.... Texas Holdem isnt played against the house?!
Loads of people make profit playing cards. Every now and then I will watch the high stake tables on ladbrokes where the average pot is $600 and there is at least one hand every 5 minutes. So thats almost £3000 an hr (give or take on the exchange rate).
I play the small sit and go tables in my spare time and have an average income of $200 a month. Not much - but then again I dont bet much. If the OP is playing high stake cash tables, its easy he could lose that in a hand, but more importantly... win that amount in a hand.

If people dont like to gamble... fair play, but some people enjoy it.
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Goksly said:
If people dont like to gamble... fair play, but some people enjoy it.

Me and a few uni mates often have Casino nights. We pop into Cardiff with say £25 each and head to the casino. Now you can either choose to spend it on drink or go play but as soon as that £25 is up, you are not allowed to spend anymore.

Everyone agrees to this before we go out and we look after each other.
The problem with gambling is every one thinks of films like Lock Stock where the guy loses way more he can afford. Most people I know who play poker play sit and go tournys... you pay $10 or something and then you get given your chips. When you are out - thats it. No rebuy, no "ah here are my car keys".
Yeah people can still gamble vast amounts of money, but if they are stupid enough to lose more than they can afford, then if cards were not there then it would be on the horses or dogs. Gambling can be a great pasttime... just because a few people chase lost money -> it isnt the "norm" thing.
Goksly said:
just because a few people chase lost money -> it isnt the "norm" thing.

I would say it is the norm, otherwise casino's wouldn't make the huge money they do. Sure, there are plenty of sensible people who only play with money they can afford to lose, but there are hundreds of thousands of gamblers who are addicted and need to gamble, to try to even up what they've lost. The sad thing is they don't realise that their desire to chase that loss is only hurting them further.
Mik3 said:
I dont tell her about my gambling, would you? ;)
Yes, I would. If you're good at it and making this money then what do you have to hide from her?

I know this is going off topic, but a relationship is built on trust. If you hide this from her, what else might you be hiding?
rofl. just rofl.
do you tell your missus when you breath in and breath out? my missus over reacts when I tell her Im going down the casino. i dont tell her all the time... no harm done. its not exactly in the same ball park as cheating on her now is it.

Goksly said:
do you tell your missus when you breath in and breath out?
Nah, would be too time consuming as I do it quite a bit.

Goksly said:
my missus over reacts when I tell her Im going down the casino. i dont tell her all the time... no harm done.
This is slightly different though isn't it? Playing 3 odd hours every night and earning £40k in 7 months and he keeps it a secret? It just sounds like he knows she won't be happy with the gambling and so hides it from her. Not a very open and trusting relationship is all I'm saying.

Goksly said:
its not exactly in the same ball park as cheating on her now is it.
I never said it was the same. But from her point of view, if she finds out, she might just wonder what else he isn't telling her.

Anyway, don't want to take this too far OT :)
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