Needed: Upgrade advice for a Useless individual!

Sorry Nathan - it's a Saturday morning kids :)


The black thing should come off - it looks like the bracket for the old cooler.

Does it not ease off?
Okay, so I'm just blasting it till it comes loose? Then I assume try and wipe it off with the wipes
We're gently warming the bracket - and then you will gently tease the bracket away bit by bit from each corner.

Notice the avoidance of words such as 'blast' and 'pull'.

It's out!!

Didn't fancy a blow dry.
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Bit of glue left over on the pc
If you're talking about the underside of the PC not yet.

It may help you with your new bracket as i doubt it will have adhesive - you may get lucky and it helps you out...

Feel free to clean it up afterwards.

Or before if it's of no help.
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