Needed: Upgrade advice for a Useless individual!

Oh, and if you find the gfx card getting in the way - remove it.

Additional: And buff the CPU with paper towel to remove any residue from wipes as they won't have been pure alcohol. May have had additional additives that would be best buffed off.

/imagining Nathan 'very seriously' fixing heatsink

...and use a philips rather than that stupid spanner if you have the option.
Or will it be fine??
It will be fine - it was just a 'belt and braces' buff. (assuming that's what you were referring to.)

And we can't take the cooler off again without replacing paste.

So, is it secure, fan clipped on and HS fan attached to header on the MB (motherboard)?
Should the fan be clipping in through the gaps in the hs? This is the only way they can attach, manual not very helpful here
Okaygood looks correct PC booted up
Temp up to 34 now though, is that worse?!

Edit, fan is only running at 700rpm though so should go a lot faster
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