Needed: Upgrade advice for a Useless individual!

So you want
  • CPUz visable - on the CPU tab.
  • Real temp open
  • And run prime 95 for 5 minutes - small FFTs will be perfect
We're checking temps and voltages - not stability here.

Oh, i need that memory list (or have i missed it? /off to look back at thread)
Okay test currently running, fan sound has gone up a bit more since last time, but i guess thatt's normal? Temperatures are currently reaching high 90s. Realtempt stating core 3 is 'HOT'
it's throttling - OK we'll manually set the vCore to 1.25 - but you may not have time?

1.344 is way to high for 4.3GHz - or should be
Yes - but a lot more testing/fine tuning needed in long run -we would just run the same test and then call it quits for now.
Okay, I won't be able to do that change now. But I may be able to at around 6pm tonight, if you happen to be around? I can change that value to 1.25 then
No leave it - you're welcome to set things to what they were and we'll try again later.

If you're not using the computer it will be fine as it is.

It should run hopefully at 1.25 (or below) - but every CPU is different. May drop it to 4.2GHz when we next test as your HS may not be up to the task - of anything over 1.2xxV - we'll have to check.
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