Nerds assemble! Raspberry pi close to launch date.

Those lucky ones who managed to place an order in the first minute or two do seem be receiving theirs now, which is good news.... well done to those who did! :)

I did not order mine until 7th March and it is looking as if I will have to wait until the end of June before it arrives. Still, that will at least give some time for the SD card OS file to be updated a few more times... and for my case to be delivered also.
Well, I ordered one quite early on from and have found them to be very helpful and informative, as well as producing a case for a reasonable price.

In my opinion it is not perhaps the most 'attractive' case around (which will concern some more than others) which I personally think is one by lolo34140 who is a French designer, and will be selling his via Shapeways ( These will cost more however, but I will probably buy one for my second Pi! :)
Mine arrived friday and have been having all sorts of fun (ordered around midday with farnell btw) have ordered four but obviously only 1 allowed form the first batch so the next 3 should be arriving in the next few weeks (they arent all for me dont worry).
Can't wait to see what you guys come up with, I hope you lot have some cool ideas and not just a video streamer.

Mine is going into an automated quadrotor for a college project with the Pi being the brain and an arduino as the nervous system, as it were, and having just seen this post on the website it seems someone is reading my mind and doing all the hardware stuff for me :p
I am been thinking about mine as for telementry for fpv as I could use RTTY communicating with an arduino or gpio.
I was going it on my quadcopter but it's just running out of room. So I will have one at the ground station hooked up to a secondary TV which will show a live map of the quadrotor.
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