Netgear D7000 VDSL modem/router

19 Apr 2012
I gather no joy from Netgear themselves?
I got a basic reply on another forum but all they said was to enter your details into the new router. Don't think they understand.
19 Apr 2012
Ok so all setup and doing well so it seems.

I've already gained back my speed lost through the Asus DSL-AC68U. It had my line profile slowly edging down since the beginning of the month 74Mb to 68Mb to 67Mb now 66Mb. The SNR on the Asus was all over the place and that was with all the ESNP settings on along side the firmware apparently optimised for broadcom exchanges.

Instantly back up to my 74Mb profile with the Netgear, pings have dropped but only by a ms or two and the SNR is solid again.

I've been carrying out various speed tests as this is where the D6400 let me down. I'm pretty pleased with this now as even out in my garage (Out the house and down the drive I'm getting full speeds on AC WiFi. 69.7Mb Down and 18.1Mb up comapred to Asus 25Mb down and 18Mb up.

Away to test out the VPN function on Android as this is what I require. If that works fine then it looks like it is good bye Asus!

I can't seem to get DSL stats to work at the minute though and that is following my own guide lol.
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19 Apr 2012
Right, Having a look at the settings just now.

If you click the advanced tab and look at the internet port, There should be an internet IP address and an IPTV address. I have an internet one but for IPTV seeing as I don't have it enabled.

Then if you go to advanced tab, Setup then internet settings.

You have the drop down box for Internet and IPTV. What settings do you have in there?

What check boxes are enabled? If you could get a screenshot and blank out your username and password it may help. Is VLANID enabled and set to 101? (Not sure if that is what is required for IPTV but it wouldn't let me connect otherwise)
24 Jun 2015
I'll do some screenshots over the weekend of it. But from memory I tried all that. But like I said I'll pop some screenshots up soon. Cheers.
19 Apr 2012
Great. And thanks again for your help so far!

Not a problem at all. I've requested an email address for Netgear engineering team who are taking feedback from Beta testers or if they can point me in the direction of a beta tester in the UK who can report some little issues if we come across them.
28 Sep 2014
Been using the D7000 for around 15 hours now - it was switched on around 5pm on Friday. The changes can be observed on MyDSLWebstats - profile ardsar.

Initial observations -

1) S/N for downstream was approx. 1 db lower than what the Billion 8800NXL reported
2) Interleave was reduced from 801 to 531 (it has been stuck at 801 since around Christmas)
3) Performance seems good.
4) good to be able to change things without resulting in a re-sync!

What I have noticed however is that the S/N usually drops by approx. 1dB at night and then recovers. On the D7000, the S/N has not been recovered. If I look at the S/N per tone graph, the areas that dip at night have recovered, however the bit loading graph seems to suggest that these areas are still poor (around tones 1700). Would this be why the S/N has not recovered this morning?

I would post pictures but cant see a way to upload images but they are on MyDSLWebStats.....
2 Feb 2009
Mine arrives Wednesday.

My talk talk provided router has been shocking as of late. Hoping this will reduce the need for two wireless n access points in the house and looking forward to gigabit LAN without the need for a switch not to mention the advanced configuration possibilities :).
24 Jun 2015
Those who have been following my "drama" with Youview & IPTV will be happy to know that thanks to @michty_me, I now have a contact at Netgear whom has been emailing me various things I should do to congifure the D7000 so that IPTV will work.

Nothing has worked so far - last email said (and sorry for his poor English):

"Hi Rick,

OK. using a app to play IPTV from internet.
I maybe know where the cause. The IGMP should bind to WAN1(Internet interface), rather than WAN2 (IPTV interface).
I will send you a test FW to try tomorrow, which make the IGMP bind to WAN1."

Can someone decipher what he means?

And if it means what I think it does, then this test f/w should allow me to use my current set up, which is as follows:

LAN 1 - 10 M Ethernet Cable to a TP Link switch (behind the TV) - this connects Apple TV and other devices AND the Youview Box
LAN 4 - Empty

Currently, he suggests that I can only use IPTV on 1 LAN - thus, the configurations I have been using is as above but LAN 4 has an ethernet cable connecting straight to the Youview box.

This is becoming such a mission!

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