Netgear D7000 VDSL modem/router

25 Sep 2008
Those who have been following my "drama" with Youview & IPTV will be happy to know that thanks to @michty_me, I now have a contact at Netgear whom has been emailing me various things I should do to congifure the D7000 so that IPTV will work.

Nothing has worked so far - last email said (and sorry for his poor English):

"Hi Rick,

OK. using a app to play IPTV from internet.
I maybe know where the cause. The IGMP should bind to WAN1(Internet interface), rather than WAN2 (IPTV interface).
I will send you a test FW to try tomorrow, which make the IGMP bind to WAN1."

Can someone decipher what he means?

And if it means what I think it does, then this test f/w should allow me to use my current set up, which is as follows:

LAN 1 - 10 M Ethernet Cable to a TP Link switch (behind the TV) - this connects Apple TV and other devices AND the Youview Box
LAN 4 - Empty

Currently, he suggests that I can only use IPTV on 1 LAN - thus, the configurations I have been using is as above but LAN 4 has an ethernet cable connecting straight to the Youview box.

This is becoming such a mission!


He does not mean that you can only use LAN 1, he means there is an issue where the IPTV is binding itself to WAN2 which is your secondary Ethernet based WAN input, when it should be binding to whichever internet port has been setup on for example WAN1, don;t worry it will get sorted :p
28 Feb 2008

A package arrived this morning containing goodies...

I'm waiting for the switch to BT which is happening on the 13th of August, I will try out the Nighthawk then. Although I'm a little concerned now upon hearing that it's having problems with IPTV. One of the main reasons I switched to BT was for the sport. :o

Hopefully there'll be a solution within the next week or two. :D
24 Jun 2015
I think you should be OK - it is plusnet IPTV I am having major problems with, however do let us/me know how you get on with the IPTV aspect!

I am currently waiting for the only UK Netgear support guy to get back from hols and hopefully he can resolve my issues!
28 Feb 2008
I think you should be OK - it is plusnet IPTV I am having major problems with, however do let us/me know how you get on with the IPTV aspect!

I am currently waiting for the only UK Netgear support guy to get back from hols and hopefully he can resolve my issues!

I feel your pain. :(

Yeh, I'll let you know how I get on. Hopefully, I shouldn't have any problems. *Fingers Crossed*
24 Jun 2015
The technical guy said people have been ok with BT IPTV. Weird it just won't work with Plusnet (as it is a part of BT), but am hoping this UK guy can help. I even put test f/w on the D7000 (which they wrote) but still nothing.
24 Jun 2015
FYI - so I had another test f/w sent over, this time I could watch bbc iplayer (and other apps), it connected to the network but still the plusnet IPTV is not connecting. Hopefully they will figure something out.
6 May 2015
Had this router for nearly two weeks and everything had been going really well with it until today, all of a sudden it's started to lock up every few hours and the only way to resolve it is to reboot it.

By locking up I mean the LED's stop flashing (just stay on what ever colour they were when the lock up occurred, no internet access, no router access (telnet or web), the Wireless is still broadcasting and devices stay connected to it but nothing works.

Contacted Netgear and their answer was telling me to change wifi channel??? And reduce my MTU setting from 1500 to 1492.

Guess what, it hasn't worked!

Anybody else run in to anything similar or can offer a solution?
25 Sep 2008
If you have had it for 2 weeks and all was fine then it sounds silly that you should have to change any settings, other than that your best recourse is to factory reset it, make sure it is on the latest firmware and set it all back up again.

Try that first please and let us know if it starts working again. At least then you at a good starting point, if it does not help then take it back to where you bought it form and ask for it to be swapped for a working one.
24 Jun 2015
So I am up and running plusnet IPTV. FYI, here is the information I needed:

The things that you need to set are:

Under Advanced tab->Internet Setup->IPTV (as shown in the screenshot)

1. Check ‘Enable this Interface’

2. Check ‘Use VLAN_id’

3. Set VLAN_id= 101

4. Set priority= 0

5. Under IPTV IP Address: Check ‘Use Static IP Address’

6. Fill in ‘Static IP Address’, ‘IP Subnet Mask’, ‘Gateway IP Address’ like the screenshot

7. Check ‘Use these DNS Servers’

8. Fill in ‘Primary DNS’ and ‘Secondary DNS’

9. Click the ‘Apply’ button.

I am using test firmware - however in a further reply the guy stated:

Next step, we will hard code these settings into Plusnet auto setup, so when user does out of the box installation, run auto setup wizard/genie, select ISP=Plusnet, all internet and IPTV connection will be built automatically, so user does not need to manually configure it.


@bitsNbobs it would be useful if you could somehow send me over the config file, if you still are going to try IPTV on your friends BT line. :)
24 Jun 2015
And, FYI, This is my set up (you don't need to use 1 port on the router for the IPTV) which works!

LAN1 - 10m Ethernet Cable to Gigabit TP-Link Switch connecting (amongst other things) Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV.......AND Youview Box
LAN2 - NAS Deivce
LAN3- NAS Device
LAN4 - VOIP Device

it's working like a dream.

19 Apr 2012
There was nothing wrong in the end. It was a mistake on my part.
My SNR has been solid at around 6-6.1db.

The issue I saw with the SNR dropping to 5.5 was the modem holing onto a 74mb sync when my Max attainable was lowered due to interleaving levels reducing.
The only issue I had was setting a static IP which gave me an error setting up a VPN but I have since received a test firmware from Netgear so will need to test that when I get home.
28 Sep 2014
I'm having issues with S/N dropping over time and never recovering. Netgear have passed the issue to broadcom to investigate. Im on a fairly longish line which suffers from noise at night. When using the Netgear, the S/N drops as usual but never recovers. On further investigation, it looks like the router is marking bins as unusable even when the inteference has stopped. Saying this, even when it drops to 3dB, the ES is still very low. I've gone back to using my Billion for now. You can see the effect on Mydslstats website. User id - ardsar.

Im also not sure that this product reports interleave depth correctly. With the billion it always reports 803 downstream however the netgear reports 531 (approx). Changing between billion and netgear always result in 803 or 531 respectively. I thought interleave was governed by DLM?
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30 Nov 2012
Does this router 'support' Sky Fibre connections (MER?)?

Indded it does.

Rock solid after 10 days, stats just dont change.

I've replaced my Draytek with the D7000. It's missing lots of stuff the Draytek had but it's a lot more stable.

Couple of notes.

1. The OpenVPN does not support iPads, it also says it does not support Android, but there is a client out there that will work, not particularly cheap though. Resolved by running an my old ASUS router on the LAN, that now acts as the VPN server.

2. LAN DNS resolution is non-existant as far as I can tell and I've had to impliment a seperate DHCP/DNS server on my LAN, otherwise devices on the LAN keep looking at the WAN address for Mail server etc. Not a major issue for the average home user though.
30 Nov 2012
If you want, I can pass on your feedback to see if I can find out any answers regarding the landns?

Thanks, that would be useful, it would certainly remove the need for me to run a seperate server on the LAN.

What is needed is the ability to have a table that the router checks first before forwarding the DNS requests, so a LAN device looking for lmail.*.com gets the LAN address rather than the WAN address; aliases would be useful too.

As I said, I dont suppose Netgear had SOHO in mind when the D7000 firmware was bing put together.

I don't quite understand the VPN policy they have used, why TUN only when iOS currently only supports TAP seems a very strange thing to do.:confused:
19 Apr 2012
I'll pass on what you have said and see if I hear anything back about it.
Yeah I know what you mean about the tap and tun issue. Apparently it's down to security issues.
12 Jul 2005
Just over your shoulder
Indded it does.

Rock solid after 10 days, stats just dont change.

I've replaced my Draytek with the D7000. It's missing lots of stuff the Draytek had but it's a lot more stable.

Couple of notes.

1. The OpenVPN does not support iPads, it also says it does not support Android, but there is a client out there that will work, not particularly cheap though. Resolved by running an my old ASUS router on the LAN, that now acts as the VPN server.

2. LAN DNS resolution is non-existant as far as I can tell and I've had to impliment a seperate DHCP/DNS server on my LAN, otherwise devices on the LAN keep looking at the WAN address for Mail server etc. Not a major issue for the average home user though.

Great, thanks, I think I might give this a go - been after a one box solution to replace the SkyHub for a while. Is it a straightforward setup for Sky settings - in the drop-down wizard, for example - or is some jiggery-pokery required?
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