Netgear D7000 VDSL modem/router

30 Nov 2012
Heard back from Netgear, They understand what you mean and said they may add it in the future if more people requested it. I wouldn't hold your breathe.

THe LAN DNS issue is not a showstopper now, and i've enabled ipv6 with Sky doing beta trials and that has helped too.

The VPN is a showstopper though and they need to get that sorted ASAP.

Thanks for your help, much appreciated.
19 Apr 2012
I know what you mean about the VPN. It was an issue for me too. I've just bought the openvpn client app which was £2 I think. Works flawlessly. Hopefully the iOS and android support is released at the beginning of the year anyway.
12 Jul 2005
Just over your shoulder
So, my D7000 arrived on Friday and I got is all set up pretty quickly. Only issue I had was Tado refusing to work, but this turned out to be DNS related - quick change to Google DNS (primary and secondary) and all was well....seems Tado does not like Sky's default!
30 Nov 2012
So, my D7000 arrived on Friday and I got is all set up pretty quickly. Only issue I had was Tado refusing to work, but this turned out to be DNS related - quick change to Google DNS (primary and secondary) and all was well....seems Tado does not like Sky's default!

Yes Skys' DNS servers do some strange things. You haven't got thier parental locks enabled have you?

I've tried messing about with the SNR but it would seem although it restarts the VDSL, the SNR is still locked at 6. Not compaining though, this thing is rock solid on the DSL side.
12 Jul 2005
Just over your shoulder
Yes Skys' DNS servers do some strange things. You haven't got thier parental locks enabled have you?

I've tried messing about with the SNR but it would seem although it restarts the VDSL, the SNR is still locked at 6. Not compaining though, this thing is rock solid on the DSL side.

Don't believe I had any parental locks in force.....mind you, was quite frustrated with the SR102 anyway, so never really bothered tinkering about with it.
The D7000 has been fine all weekend, but I guess time will tell.....still, quietly confident that it will turn out to be a great one box solution :)
30 Nov 2012
Don't believe I had any parental locks in force.....mind you, was quite frustrated with the SR102 anyway, so never really bothered tinkering about with it.
The D7000 has been fine all weekend, but I guess time will tell.....still, quietly confident that it will turn out to be a great one box solution :)

You need to log into mysky and check your broadband options. Maybe that the lock is on by default.
29 Mar 2013
South Shields
how is this router with sky ADSL? its all I can get at the moment and the SR101 is terrible in all ways.

I bought the Asus DSL-AC68U before but it was no good on my line, but I hear Broadcom chips are better for long lines.
28 Sep 2014
how is this router with sky ADSL? its all I can get at the moment and the SR101 is terrible in all ways.

I bought the Asus DSL-AC68U before but it was no good on my line, but I hear Broadcom chips are better for long lines.

I'm having an issue where the S/N drops at night due to external noise, but does not recover in the early hours. When using the Biliion 8800AXL or the HG612, my S/N drops by around 1 - 1.5dB in the evenings due to rein etc. With the Billion or HG612, the S/N recovers in the early hours when the interfernece stops. With the Netgear D7000, lost S/N is not recovered and eventually my S/N falls to below 3dB. Having said this, the line remains stable.

Looking at the bits/tone graph, it looks like bins are being marked as unusable resulting in gaps in the bits/tone graph hence the drop in S/N.

I am currently proving Netgear with test data who are in turn talking with broadcom to hopefully resolve my issue. Netgear are being very helpful with this issue.

Has anyone checked what there S/N is after having it connected for 1 week?
30 Nov 2012
Just looked at mine and there are tiny variations. Biggest swing was 5.9 to 6.1 over a couple of days, since then 6.0 to 6.1 and no change in sync rate.

For what its worth, we've just had the heaviest rain I have seen in months, that was always something that would send my Draytek into a nosedive, I could watch the SNR fall and eventually lose sync, and this ONLY happened when it rained. The Netgear has not flinched, sat there rock solid.

What cabinet type are you connected to, ECI or Broadcom?
28 Sep 2014
Just looked at mine and there are tiny variations. Biggest swing was 5.9 to 6.1 over a couple of days, since then 6.0 to 6.1 and no change in sync rate.

For what its worth, we've just had the heaviest rain I have seen in months, that was always something that would send my Draytek into a nosedive, I could watch the SNR fall and eventually lose sync, and this ONLY happened when it rained. The Netgear has not flinched, sat there rock solid.

What cabinet type are you connected to, ECI or Broadcom?

ECI cabinet, approx 900m away.
30 Nov 2012
More problems with Broadcom on ECI and vice versa?

From reading the kitz forum, seems there's an issue with ECI cabs and G.Inp too.

This is all a bit alarming, if I move house I'll need to check whether the cab is Huawei or ECI first and make sure I have a modem that's compatible!

BTW, here are my stats, Re-syncs were me playing with the adslctl --configure snr command, it didn't work either.

DSLAM/MSAN type: BDCM:0xa459 / v0xa459
Modem/router firmware: AnnexA version - A2pvbH042b.d26b
DSL mode: VDSL2 Profile 17a
Status: Showtime
Resyncs: 2 (since 26 Aug 2015 15:32:51)

Downstream Upstream
Line attenuation (dB): 14.5 0.0
Signal attenuation (dB): Not monitored
Connection speed (kbps): 71625 20000
SNR margin (dB): 6.1 10.7
Power (dBm): 12.8 6.4
Interleave depth: 8 4
INP: 48.00 55.00
G.INP: Enabled

RSCorr/RS (%): 0.0009 0.3540
RSUnCorr/RS (%): 0.0000 0.0000
ES/hour: 0 0
28 Sep 2014
More problems with Broadcom on ECI and vice versa?

From reading the kitz forum, seems there's an issue with ECI cabs and G.Inp too.

This is all a bit alarming, if I move house I'll need to check whether the cab is Huawei or ECI first and make sure I have a modem that's compatible!

BTW, here are my stats, Re-syncs were me playing with the adslctl --configure snr command, it didn't work either.

DSLAM/MSAN type: BDCM:0xa459 / v0xa459
Modem/router firmware: AnnexA version - A2pvbH042b.d26b
DSL mode: VDSL2 Profile 17a
Status: Showtime
Resyncs: 2 (since 26 Aug 2015 15:32:51)

Downstream Upstream
Line attenuation (dB): 14.5 0.0
Signal attenuation (dB): Not monitored
Connection speed (kbps): 71625 20000
SNR margin (dB): 6.1 10.7
Power (dBm): 12.8 6.4
Interleave depth: 8 4
INP: 48.00 55.00
G.INP: Enabled

RSCorr/RS (%): 0.0009 0.3540
RSUnCorr/RS (%): 0.0000 0.0000
ES/hour: 0 0

based on those stats, you will not have and therefore see the problem i have.
30 Nov 2012
Need to find someone on an ECI cab with a D7000. I did have a lot of problems with the ASUS DSL-AC68, then problems with the Draytek 2860, both Lantiq. This is the first Broadcom based modem apart from the OR one.
29 Mar 2013
South Shields
I'm having an issue where the S/N drops at night due to external noise, but does not recover in the early hours. When using the Biliion 8800AXL or the HG612, my S/N drops by around 1 - 1.5dB in the evenings due to rein etc. With the Billion or HG612, the S/N recovers in the early hours when the interfernece stops. With the Netgear D7000, lost S/N is not recovered and eventually my S/N falls to below 3dB. Having said this, the line remains stable.

Looking at the bits/tone graph, it looks like bins are being marked as unusable resulting in gaps in the bits/tone graph hence the drop in S/N.

I am currently proving Netgear with test data who are in turn talking with broadcom to hopefully resolve my issue. Netgear are being very helpful with this issue.

Has anyone checked what there S/N is after having it connected for 1 week?

Thanks for the info, think it's worth a punt at buying the router? Is it still a good upgrade over the SR101?
30 Nov 2012
Having taken note of ardsar's probkems, I have now left my D7000 alone for a week. Still locked solid at the same speed, 71Mbps+.

I have looked at the SNR and there has been little difference in the DS SNR, between 5.9 and 6.1. The US SNR is a difference story, that I have seen vary between 7.2 and 10.6, however sync remained locked and speed did not vary.

My line is not perfect as can be seen by the fact I cannot obtain the full 80Mbos allowed, however the D7000 is faster than my OR modem and completely stable, something I could not say for either the Asus or Vigor 2860.

There is one report of it being unable to lock on a very long line, and ardsar's issues, but in general the reviews are very positive, add to that its Sky compatible too, there's not much else to say.
28 Sep 2014
Having taken note of ardsar's probkems, I have now left my D7000 alone for a week. Still locked solid at the same speed, 71Mbps+.

I have looked at the SNR and there has been little difference in the DS SNR, between 5.9 and 6.1. The US SNR is a difference story, that I have seen vary between 7.2 and 10.6, however sync remained locked and speed did not vary.

My line is not perfect as can be seen by the fact I cannot obtain the full 80Mbos allowed, however the D7000 is faster than my OR modem and completely stable, something I could not say for either the Asus or Vigor 2860.

There is one report of it being unable to lock on a very long line, and ardsar's issues, but in general the reviews are very positive, add to that its Sky compatible too, there's not much else to say.

Debug information has now been sent to Broadcom via Netgear for analysis. It would appear my issue could be on broadcoms side rather than netgear itself - isn't the D7000 using a new broadcom chipset? Wil keep you guys posted. I would provide graphs but i can not see how to add attachements on this forum (other than URL links). As stated before, even with this issue, the Netgear has been very stable, even when the S/N drops to around 3dB.
30 Nov 2012
It is a new chipset yes. I had a severe burst of CRC errors this morning between 6:15 and 7:15, then all quiet again; when I say severe burst, it was acutally only 6 crc errors over that time. :)

OH I remember the Asus!

I see the D7800 has appeared on the Netgear UK site. Doesn't say what chipset it is.
30 Nov 2012
Debug information has now been sent to Broadcom via Netgear for analysis. It would appear my issue could be on broadcoms side rather than netgear itself - isn't the D7000 using a new broadcom chipset? Wil keep you guys posted. I would provide graphs but i can not see how to add attachements on this forum (other than URL links). As stated before, even with this issue, the Netgear has been very stable, even when the S/N drops to around 3dB.

I would be interested in looking at your graphs. Could you post them using and then posting the link?>

I have just posted this one
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19 Apr 2012
So it has. I was told it was lantiq based chipset but not 100% sure. I bet it isn't cheap either.

I too am having good results from the D7000.
So far it has gained a higher sync than the HG612 but a slightly lower upstream rate.
My interleaving level is now 8/1 when all others kept me on 16/1. My INP level has also reduced now.
FEC's were millions less on the D7000 than they are on the Asus.

Asus 11 days uptime: 5,188,102 with 1496 CRC errors

Netgear 30 days uptime with a DLM intervention 15 days ago due to the chipset change ongoing on Huawei cabs: 433,531 FEC's and 26 CRC errors.

I'm pleased. Of course it doesn't have as many nice config settings or features as the Asus but I would rather have the stability and what it does provide is suitable for my needs.
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