
One thing that really gets to me about this game is the lack of dyes on drops or to buy. The only way to get them is via zen or silly prices on the AH. That means everyone looks the same... boring! Although I bought some zen I couldn't justify using it on dyes since you only seem to wear any piece of amour for a couple of lvls.

I had a thought but not tried it yet. Can you have a set of dyed armour in the fashion inventory? Although I have a feeling that it would only show up when in the city.

Other than that im really loving this game. Love doing foundry quests. Not a scratch on nwn pw's though, but my expectations have been lowered since I played nwn 10 years ago... so I can still enjoy rpgs!
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Neverwinter ‏@NeverwinterGame 6m
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My thoughts so far: it's great. Playing as a wizard too at the moment and its great when things get a bit hairy- you chuck the dude in the air, freeze his ass and then shoot a blumin great rocket at his balls.

The graphics are very pretty indeed and I'm getting the hang if things pretty well.

In time the voice acting will need a bit of a hug and do will some if the facial animations but other than that....

Oh, I would also like to see some actual visual difference when I put different items on. The look of my dude has barely changed through 11 levels and its a bit annoying. The magic orb also definitely needs to look different when you change it.

Anyway the fact remains that its really very good and damned pretty compared to some of the big boys out there.
My thoughts so far: it's great. Playing as a wizard too at the moment and its great when things get a bit hairy- you chuck the dude in the air, freeze his ass and then shoot a blumin great rocket at his balls.

The graphics are very pretty indeed and I'm getting the hang if things pretty well.

In time the voice acting will need a bit of a hug and do will some if the facial animations but other than that....

Oh, I would also like to see some actual visual difference when I put different items on. The look of my dude has barely changed through 11 levels and its a bit annoying. The magic orb also definitely needs to look different when you change it.

Anyway the fact remains that its really very good and damned pretty compared to some of the big boys out there.
Just started this a couple of evenings ago and even as the kind of player who normally needs guns and tanks I'm having a blast. The real beauty is that I don't have to program and memorise about a thousand macros keys to play it, something that has always put me off a lot of MMO's!
Oh, I would also like to see some actual visual difference when I put different items on. The look of my dude has barely changed through 11 levels and its a bit annoying. The magic orb also definitely needs to look different when you change it.

Spend real money, then you will look different.
Neverwinter is that type of game, don't expect ANYTHING without paying for it.
I have been pleasantly surprised by this game.

The Good:
- Lots of hidden secrets in the solo and group dungeons to find.
- Dungeons are full of traps, lore, and interactable objects.
- Combat is a little bit different, and feels quick and exciting.
- The environments look great, and so do the characters, armour, and weapons.
- Plenty of roleplay going on, especially in the Moonstone Mask.
- Being able to create your own quests is simply amazing.

The Bad:
- Terrible voice acting in places.
- Free to play games attract a lot of idiots and kiddies (people rolling need on everything in dungeons, everyone rushing through dungeons without exploring, general rubbish being posted in chat, etc.)

I'm enjoying it, I'm even considering dropping a few quid on the cheaper founder's pack. :)
Still enjoying this on my Guardian Fighter, currently sat at lvl 42. Just started getting stuck in to the Skirmishes and PVP phase. Just need to get the rest of my feats to help dish out a bit more damage :D
I reached level 60 last night and found myself instantly bored. Unlike 'normal' MMOs, there are no reputation grinds or things to work toward once you hit level 60. Really the only two things there are to do is PvP, which I have never been a fan of in any game and dungeons.

Dungeons should not be an issue for me, as a Guardian Fighter, however due to our low damage and the fact that threat is so broken and clerics are so powerful, unless you're in a group with guild or friends, nobody takes a tank.

So that leaves me with nothing at all to do. Part of me wants to create a new character but it'll probably be the same situation once I get to the cap on that one, too.
I reached level 60 last night and found myself instantly bored. Unlike 'normal' MMOs, there are no reputation grinds or things to work toward once you hit level 60. Really the only two things there are to do is PvP, which I have never been a fan of in any game and dungeons.

Dungeons should not be an issue for me, as a Guardian Fighter, however due to our low damage and the fact that threat is so broken and clerics are so powerful, unless you're in a group with guild or friends, nobody takes a tank.

So that leaves me with nothing at all to do. Part of me wants to create a new character but it'll probably be the same situation once I get to the cap on that one, too.

I believe they know about the threat,tanking and healing problems which should be fixed for the actual release.

If you want a fun class look no further than a Rogue or Wizard, tons of fun in PvP. I never rush to cap, I make at least 4 alts and progress them slowly and get to know their play styles, gives me an advantage in PvP.
If you want a fun class look no further than a Rogue or Wizard, tons of fun in PvP. I never rush to cap, I make at least 4 alts and progress them slowly and get to know their play styles, gives me an advantage in PvP.

See I do the opposite, always one of the first to get to max level duel/pvp "the best" in the different classes over and over again and then face roll most of the people who play that class.
I believe they know about the threat,tanking and healing problems which should be fixed for the actual release.

If you want a fun class look no further than a Rogue or Wizard, tons of fun in PvP. I never rush to cap, I make at least 4 alts and progress them slowly and get to know their play styles, gives me an advantage in PvP.

I'm not the sort that would rush to the cap. I started playing on the day open beta started so it's taken me roughly two weeks to get there.

I may start a new rogue but I am not sure I have the motivation to do so, especially as I quested from 1-60 on my GF and would be doing the same thing again so soon.
I reached level 60 last night and found myself instantly bored. Unlike 'normal' MMOs, there are no reputation grinds or things to work toward once you hit level 60. Really the only two things there are to do is PvP, which I have never been a fan of in any game and dungeons.

Dungeons should not be an issue for me, as a Guardian Fighter, however due to our low damage and the fact that threat is so broken and clerics are so powerful, unless you're in a group with guild or friends, nobody takes a tank.

So that leaves me with nothing at all to do. Part of me wants to create a new character but it'll probably be the same situation once I get to the cap on that one, too.

Considering you've capped out, and effectively have nothing left to do to your liking. What would recommend with regards to throwing money into the game? I'm trying to gage if in the end splurging on zen / packs actually add to the enjoyment rather then e-penis?
The only bad thing about this game, as with all mmo's, is lvling is too fast. I've never understood the race to get to the end lvl.

I've had no trouble holding aggro. Using the right skills/feats I only let aggro go when I need some extra time to replenish my guard. Then everyone runs like hell. This is of course only needed on end bosses, everything else is pretty much free for all.
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Considering you've capped out, and effectively have nothing left to do to your liking. What would recommend with regards to throwing money into the game? I'm trying to gage if in the end splurging on zen / packs actually add to the enjoyment rather then e-penis?

Honestly I would recommend saving your money, at least while the game is in it's current state. If you really want to splash the cash, you could consider a mount or a premium companion as those are good investments that you probably won't replace.

The only bad thing about this game, as with all mmo's, is lvling is too fast. I've never understood the race to get to the end lvl.

I've had no trouble holding aggro. Using the right skills/feats I only let aggro go when I need some extra time to replenish my guard. Then everyone runs like hell. This is of course only needed on end bosses, everything else is pretty much free for all.

That becomes a worse strategy in tier 1 and 2 dungeons. Taking an extra cleric or CW seems to be the norm at the moment rather than taking a GF. The extra healing aggro plus the insanely over-powered cleric shields are more than enough to negate the need for a tank.
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