why not just open new servers ? the problem is not the game, just the exploit.
Isn't this still effectively in beta? Does that give them the option to wipe and restart?
Or have I got that wrong..
It appears that all the major exploits were known about and even reported in Closed Beta but Cryptic did nothing:
I think I will just charge-back and go free-to-play.
Charge back?
Chargeback allows you to ask your card provider to reverse a transaction if there's a problem with something you've bought on your credit or debit card.
How would they loose two weeks of revenue if they just gave everybody their zen back that they bought and did a full wipe? You will get some who want a refund because they cant be bothered doing it all again, but you'll also get a load who want to carry on.
In the long term a wipe is more beneficial considering the game has only been live for what 2 weeks. It'll allow the market to work as it should and not be so inflated in price and so saturated with all the exploited best in slot gear.
Whatever they do now they will loose players, but if they do not wipe then they run the risk of people who continue playing not wanting to spend ££$$. So in the long run it might not work out well for them.
The way I see it, yes they would still keep the cash, they are not refunding, however they are literally starting the clock again like the last two weeks never happened. Effectively the people with the refunded money, if they repeated their experience they will spend the same amount in two weeks, so no/less revenue for Cryptic for two weeks. Add to that, the fact that people may hang onto their cash as they want to see how the game pans/stabilises out following the problems, you have a situation where you have lost a load one way or another.