
So, the game basically launches this week, under the guise of "open beta", here are the details!

After four successful Beta Weekends, we're nearing the next phase of Neverwinter, the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons action MMORPG, as it nears Open Beta! Neverwinter Founders will have the first opportunity to enter the Forgotten Realms and battle against Valindra Shadowmantle to keep Faerûn and the city of Neverwinter safe. Also, Founders will also be the first to explore the Foundry and the newest in-game content, first to modify and improve their characters through the Gateway web portal, first to progress towards the raised level cap of 60, and more!

Want to be the first to claim your guild name? How would you like to dungeon delve and explore new content past level 50? Become a Founder today for your chance to become the strongest player in Neverwinter before anyone else.

Neverwinter – Open Beta Starting Times

If you are a Hero of the North, you will be able to play Neverwinter starting April 25, 2013 at 9 A.M. PDT (Pacific)! (When is that in your time zone?) (4pm BST I believe?)

If you are a Guardian of Neverwinter, you will be able to play Neverwinter starting April 27, 2013 at 9 A.M. PDT (Pacific). (When is that in your time zone?)

Non-Founders will be able to enjoy Neverwinter's Open Beta on April 30, 2013 at 9 A.M. PDT (Pacific). (When is that in your time zone?)

Download and/or Patch Neverwinter on April 20, 2013

You can pre-load Neverwinter's Open Beta game client by heading to the download page on April 20, 2013. If you already have an Alpha or Beta Weekend game client, just open the launcher to begin patching – no need to redownload!

The Neverwinter Team is so thankful for the support fans have shown in game, on the Neverwinter forums, and everywhere else our fans have shown their excitement! We can't wait for Neverwinter to become an even bigger success during Open Beta and beyond! We'll see you in Open Beta!

Anyone else going to be jumping on?
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I'll be taking a break from the closed beta of Legacy of Romulus, in order to fire up Neverwinter when the open beta starts.. will be a nice change from star trek online..
I'm not seeing/hearing many positives about the game from various gaming sites I visit is all, added into Cryptic just not being very good & signs point to it not being the game the setting deserves.

Well, I got to play it for an hour or two in BW3 a few weeks back. It was very fun, granted, it's nothing revolutionary, but still plenty of fun to be had. Add in the Foundry, and it has a lot of potential imho.
Well, I got to play it for an hour or two in BW3 a few weeks back. It was very fun, granted, it's nothing revolutionary, but still plenty of fun to be had. Add in the Foundry, and it has a lot of potential imho.

Fingers crossed, as I said I will be trying. Just wished it had stayed 'truer' to its roots...!
How so mate? I think I know what you mean, but surely that would be hard in a MMO environment?

The original NWN game (+ expansions and community made additions) is as close to a thing of perfection for me as you can get, I loved it and outside of MMO's and Championship Manager is the game I have sunk the most hours into, hell every 12 months or so I give it a play through as a different class/race combo.

I just wish they had stuck to the plan of Co-Op with the foundry element instead of scrapping that to go down the micro transaction, f2p MMO route. It gives off a souless, $$$ chasing vibe to me (200 dollars for the top level purchase give this credence though!). I know that the gaming sites I vist (in the main) are MMO related and MMO gamers are a bitter & twisted bunch, maybe that's clouding my judgement, hopefully I'm wrong :) I guess I will find out on the 30th!
The original NWN game (+ expansions and community made additions) is as close to a thing of perfection for me as you can get, I loved it and outside of MMO's and Championship Manager is the game I have sunk the most hours into, hell every 12 months or so I give it a play through as a different class/race combo.

I just wish they had stuck to the plan of Co-Op with the foundry element instead of scrapping that to go down the micro transaction, f2p MMO route. It gives off a souless, $$$ chasing vibe to me (200 dollars for the top level purchase give this credence though!). I know that the gaming sites I vist (in the main) are MMO related and MMO gamers are a bitter & twisted bunch, maybe that's clouding my judgement, hopefully I'm wrong :) I guess I will find out on the 30th!

You don't go on mmmorpg do you? That would be your first mistake :D I paid for the $60 (Cost £49.74 or something like that) Couldn't justify the $200, or I probably would have :P

I bought the founder pack, never can resist :(

What one did you go for Nemeses?

I have a quick couple of questions and would be very happy if some nice person(s) could answer them since I have been so hideously busy that although I remember reading about Neverwinter Online long ago I never got a chance to try the Beta weekends. However, I really adored DDO especially for its active combat and the Foundry in Neverwinter seems like a wonderful idea and so I am thinking of getting the 60$ (even at the £50??? transaction rate), as the mount and companion for every character as well as the additional astral diamonds seem a really good deal.

So first, what are your thoughts on the combat and overall gameplay like - are they similar to DDO?

Second, I am using a Laptop with a AMD A4-3300M 1.9GHz, HD6480G and 6 gig of RAM. Someone asked on the official forums about a laptop with identical spec and was told by another user that it should run fine but what are people's thoughts here? (I usually play at 1920*1080 on my connected monitor but could cut this down if necessary.)
So first, what are your thoughts on the combat and overall gameplay like - are they similar to DDO?

Hey Jsbeer, I think I can slighty answer this particular question. I got to play about an hour or two hours within BW3, so take everything I say with a pinch of salt as there has been another BW since, and I played very low level content.

I found the combat to very involved, and required that you actually paid attention to what you were doing in combat, rather than mindlessly mashing 1-9, sure there is an ability hot bar, but you are limited. You will have a pool set of skills, which you can change and alter any time you are at a campfire (there are some even in dungeons!) So you will need to think about what sort of role you are playing, and even pick skills which can compliment those within your group. In respect to DDO, I honestly can't answer, because I don't have any experience with that particular game.

I hope this helps to some degree for you!
Hey Jsbeer, I think I can slighty answer this particular question. I got to play about an hour or two hours within BW3, so take everything I say with a pinch of salt as there has been another BW since, and I played very low level content.


I hope this helps to some degree for you!

Thanks MJS, that was pretty helpful as it is always good to hear from someone who hasn't played DDO and so comes to NWO with a fresh pair of eyes, so to speak. Does anyone who has played DDO have any comments about gameplay or indeed about how well they think I will be able to run NWO?
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