New and shocking footage of British troops torturing Iraqis...

Stolly said:

Where is the outrage ?

the guy is getting a few lashings plus its one on one, nothing compared to getting the **** kicked out of you by a bunch of dumb ******
Are these soldiers stupid, do they want to spend longer in Iraq, The US and British goverment will love this stuff, this just will fuel the Iraq's to fight against the US/Brits meaning they will have to stay longer and everybody is happy except the soldiers families who lose a son or daughter. Armed Contracts and Oil prices just beneift from stuff like this.

You think these lads who got beaten will hold there hands up and say "fair cop" they will be driving a car into a checkpoint and blowing a few British soldiers up.
Sorry if I've missed something but what is cleanbluesky's sig all about? Some sort of Arian pride thing?

[edit] And is there a link to the actual video anywhere?


Sleepy said:
Is CBS a heretic who denies the divinity of Chriest, inquiring minds frankly dont give a damn.

Dude, I'm sure there's a proper sentence in there somewhere but I can't find it... please... help... :p

Sleepy said:

[edit] NM found it!

Maybe the OP would be kind enough to add a link in the first post?!


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neoboy said:
I'll admit that I didn't really bother reading all 13 pages of replies but here is my view.

Both sides in the video had idiots. The youngster's seemed to lack any common sense whatsoever, "Hey let's throw stones and grenades at soldiers who are trained to kill and who are carrying rifles and riot shields and then see what happens!". The soldiers aren't policemen who are trained to uphold the law they are people whose main aspect of training is to eliminate the enemy in hostile conditions.

The British army is trained to deal with that sort of thing in Northern Ireland. Of all the armies in the world, the British should be the best at handling such situations in Iraq.
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cheets64 said:
You think these lads who got beaten will hold there hands up and say "fair cop" they will be driving a car into a checkpoint and blowing a few British soldiers up.

I suggest you do some reading into the backgrounds of real suicide bombers...

NOBODY turns into a bomber because they got beaten up for throwing stones..Its a far bigger issue than that.
Sleepy said:
I wasn't aware that Iraqi citizens were our enemy, remind me what are our forces doing over there?

That would be great if the Iraqi soldiers/freedom fighters/terrorists/whatever you want to call them had a nice uniform on, the fact is that an innocent looking woman walking up to you could be hiding a bomb which would blow your limbs off.

Filming the beating is sick. The actual beating, depending on why it was done is either uncalled for or totally justified. Life isn't as sugar coated as some people here think.
the beating isnt anything barbaric or "nasty" given that there is a war going on , but the comments of the man who shot the video gave me the impression that he has mental problems. He should be brought to justice.
Iraklis F.C. said:
the beating isnt anything barbaric or "nasty" given that there is a war going on , but the comments of the man who shot the video gave me the impression that he has mental problems. He should be brought to justice.

He should be brought to justice for shooting a video? Theres someone else in the room with him..He could have been acting up..Even if he wasnt, whats he done wrong?
Stolly said:
America went into Afghanistan to build a pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan, thats they they supported OBL, and thats why they conspired to bring about the fall of the USSR. Its all part of a 20+ year masterplan.

Nothing to do with the cruelty of the Taliban.


This has what to do with a person condemning violence and beatings commited by non muslims whilst approving stoning people to death for being gay .....
gib786 said:
the guy is getting a few lashings plus its one on one, nothing compared to getting the **** kicked out of you by a bunch of dumb ******

But look - people walking past smiling as though it is nothing new or unusual.
VIRII said:
But look - people walking past smiling as though it is nothing new or unusual.

It doesn't look like it's actually happened yet so the people walking probably haven't reacted to it yet.

After hearing more on the issue I'm also suprised that people are shocked or suprised by it although it is wrong. A Colonel was also talking about how armed forces from other countries would have shot into the crowd.
Dingo said:
Only aware of what your response would cannot debate or argue against those written words so they get dumbded down....a light tap eh?

There is no dumbing down. Meanings can and are lost in translation, which is why the Qur’an is only considered sacred so when recited in Arabic. If you think this is a cop out and nothing is lost in translation, well then that’s not my problem and I really don’t see the need to keep explaining it you.

Dingo said:
Afraid not, merely questioning your analysis of one situation, compared to the culture of beatings in many of these countries that by your silence you seem to condone.

Start a thread about abuse and injustice anywhere in the World and I will comment on it.

To suggest that I condone this “culture of beatings” because of my supposed “silence”, just shows how good your analytical skills are.
1) Brisitsh soldiers were attacked with deadly weapons

2) The guys who used those weapons were identified and and apprehened

3) The attackers were punished with a good pasting.

A couple of oher points if i may.

These guys tried to kill the servicemen and were punished for it. Granted they've not gone through any kind of criminal justice system, but if they didn't throw grenades they wouldn't be getting a kicking

The servicemen are only human at the end of the day, if I managed to subdue someone who tried to kill me I'd do exactly the same and give them the kicking of their lives, and I'd challenge anyone posting on here to honestly say they wouldn't
@if - dont take this as a dig, but an enquiry because you seem to be garnering a lot of flak; especially in this thread.

One of the points that Virii has is that you are condemnning the beating as uncivilised yet would support stoning (which is something that myself and many others here consider uncivil) and what something else that I notice is that your political opinion seems to be within reason dictated by your religious persuasion (or perhaps those are the parts you are most vocal about)...

What interests me most about this is that generally, for Westerners, education has taken us away from our religious attitudes (and bear in mind the majority of us have Christian backgrounds, which is very similar to Islam in many significant ways) and you seem far from uneducated or without the capacity for critical thought or argument...

So my question is - when you have proven yourself to be far from unable to critically analyse information - would you let any ideology override your own opinion?
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