New car

Very nice, that looks very smart indeed :)

I'd really like to get one, definitely my type of car. As it happens I am in need of swapping my SL for something with 4 seats, these have not escaped my attention :o

I'm quite surprised you haven't had one yet to be honest! :)

Congrats Gurdas, beautiful car.
Thanks mate, I guess I was quite young back then and my perception of what's realistic was different to most and whilst I knew I was gonna get what I wanted, others feel differently which is fair enough.

Some people still joke about "where is your Lambo?", but by the time I'm 30 I'm actually going to have one lol:p

A lot of people set themselves too easy goals in life, I get it too, my friends who stack shelves tell me I will never have this and never have that... the difference between them and I is I am prepared to take risks and think outside the box and they aren't. Honestly I don't know how someone can do the same menial job their whole lives, knowing they will never afford what they want, but still religiously watch Top Gear every Sunday!
[TW]Fox;25408684 said:
If you waste £30,000 on a 420 at 22 then you are completely and utterly mad. Hopefully you'll see sense before then, there is far, far more to life than cars, although cars are awesome, and £30k on something so totally ordinary is something you do when £30k is a trivial amount of money not all the money you have + more.

You are also far more likely to be in a position to buy awesome cars in the future if you don't waste massive, massive amounts of money on totally ordinary cars in the present. £15k Polo at 19 and plans for a £30k 2 litre diesel BMW at 22 is not how you end up with something like gurdas at 25, thats for sure.
True true, can't argue with that. Gives me something to aim for anyway even if the money goes elsewhere, like my own place! While the payment for my Polo is only like £130 or something a month, not sure now why I bought a new car (think I just wanted something new) won't be doing that again anytime soon.
But yeah if I think about it - if I was going to spend 30k, save another say 15k and there's something far better.
Life changes too quickly, so in reality I can't predict 3 years time and I'm sure my thought process will have changed by then. Right attitude to work hard to earn money, just the wrong priorities of what to spend it on :)
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£30k is a hell of a lot of money.

That totally depends on your circumstances. I've friends whom take home about £10k a month. Which sounds a lot of money but its pretty common when you work in central London.

When I was younger and lived up north, I use to dream of being able to own a nice car £20k+ and wondered how I could ever afford to do so. But due to circumstances beyond my control my life took a nice financial turn and now I can :D
I would like to think I have disposable income, I actually do have. I will never buy things I don't need, and don't really treat myself to anything either.

I've been taught to think in the long run and not the present. It works for me to be honest.
£30k is a hell of a lot of money. It takes years to save up depending the type of job you have. I've always said to myself if I was to ever buy a expensive car with out right cash it would be a Skyline R34 GTR. .


I would give a right arm and my mrs for a R34 GTR V-Spec II.

I would give a right arm and my mrs for a R34 GTR V-Spec II.

Wouldn't go that far, after all it is a car. However, it's my dream car and I would love to own one at some point.

There are some excellent cars out there and even though I drive a Mondeo, It'll be the first car I'm going to run into the ground before I change. It has everything I need and does everything I want it to. I used to despise the Ford badge, but actually getting behind one and owning it, it hasn't been bad at all.

Like Gurdas, he has set goals in his life and achieved them, props to him. At 26 he has done possibly more then the average 26 year old where I live and it's an inspiration. However if I had £40k to blow it wouldn't be on a bentley. Probably a skyline with overnight parts from japan. :D

It just goes to show, work hard, work right, and it can all pay off.
Like Gurdas, he has set goals in his life and achieved them, props to him. At 26 he has done possibly more then the average 26 year old

I agree with most of what your saying. Work hard etc...but how can you know what gurdas has or hasn't done from a thread with a few pics of a bentley?

For all I know he could be working as a banker or as a male escort. :p
Very nice car. The spec I'd pick, save the Mulliner upgrades!

Do you notice a different in actual shifting speed in S vs D?

Oh, and GIAC
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I agree with most of what your saying. Work hard etc...but how can you know what gurdas has or hasn't done from a thread with a few pics of a bentley?

For all I know he could be working as a banker or as a male escort. :p

That's non of my business. Bottom line is he has the car. Some people can do the whole hovis and say 'oh it might not even be his'. Although judging from his previous posts he is a genuine guy, and I highly doubt he'd do a DM.

It depends how you want to show a wealth, you know yourself, in Bradford people buy top of the range cars yet live in terrace houses with 3 bedrooms. Priorities. A man could live in a bedsit but have a £30k bentley and you wouldn't be able to tell if he lived in a bedsit judging by his car.

IF you have that kind of money to blow and really want something then you usually go and spend it. Yes your finance advisor might tell you to invest it elsewhere but gurdas seems to have bought a decent example which I'm sure will hold it's value somewhat.

I've spent around £8k in the past 3 years on the cars I have owned. If I was wise I would have just spent that on 1 car and kept it for 3 years then change, but with me I tend to get bored. I learnt my lesson and did make a few bob back on the sales (lost out on the accord though, lesson learnt).
[TW]Fox;25410898 said:
And as a result probably wouldnt buy a 2 litre diesel botom of the range 4 Series.
But where do you stop?

A 2 litre for 30k, a 3.5l for 40k, but if I spend another 10k I can get a nicer car all together.. another 10k ...and another.
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