Prison RPG is currently 10p, worth a go.
Ahhhh I spent about ten hours playing this yesterday!
Prison RPG is currently 10p, worth a go.
Anyone who is using SolidExplorer find the copy and paste functionality really annoying? You can put a file on the clipboard for copy, but if you navigate to a different folder where you want to put the file, without using the back button, so for example clicking top left for folder view then choosing a folder, you lose the ability to paste? (the yellow icon changes back to a "create new" icon and the paste option not there.
I find it annoying to have to load it in the destination folder, browse to the source folder, copy, and then go back like 5 times just to paste.
Is there an easier way or me being thick?
In 6/7 years of using Android I've never needed any form of software to keep things unbloated/running smoothly. Most of these apps especially things like task killers make things slower as they interfere with Androids own memory management and such
Yeah I found this. You have to open both directories side by side if that makes sense and then just swipe across to the new one after copying.
What are people using for video playback? I have VLC installed but don't find it handles displaying folders very well. i.e. I have two folders on SD card with two series of a TV show on and it clumps all episodes under one thumbnail instead of two. Annoying when there are lots of episodes to scroll through!
MX player Pro here. There is a free version but its worth it, lots of codecs for various file types.
Another vote for Mx Player.
Can anyone recommend an alarm app.
Have been using the stock android clock/alarm app but the past 2 days my alarm at 7am has not gone off. Having set different times to see if it is me it seems to be hit and miss as of when the alarm goes off.
Yeah I was using it before and wasn't particularly taken, but now you can dive in and see all text messaging conversations etc. it's really useful for when I'm at work.I've just found Pushbullet, what a great application. I can't believe I haven't seen this before.
Amazon App Store often have Alarm Clock XTreme (paid version) for free - definitely worth looking at.
I have several alarms for different days of the week which is a really handy feature, plus it has various 'snooze' options such as solving maths problems to stop alarm (for the days I absolutely must be up).
I've been using AlarmDroid for years now.
Yeah thats what I've used for the past 4 years or so - not failed me yet.