New essential Android apps thread

Does anyone have recommendations for the best weight tracking app. I've just moved from iOS and used to use Happy Scale.
Even on wifi, it's the same.

BTW, I'm talking about under the google keyboard, not google search:

This GIF used to be the first one, now I can't see it anywhere:


You're not the only one to notice this, at some point over the last few weeks my GIF search results have changed and it frequently delivers really poor quality GIFs too.
What's the best auto back up app for SMS and Calls history? My phone recently died and while I don't think I lost anything important these are the only things that I'm currently not backing up. I'm on unlimited data plan so have my pictures and Whatsapp backed up daily.
What's the best auto back up app for SMS and Calls history? My phone recently died and while I don't think I lost anything important these are the only things that I'm currently not backing up. I'm on unlimited data plan so have my pictures and Whatsapp backed up daily.

sms backup and restore ?

SMS Backup & Restore is a simple Android app that backs up and restores your phone's text messages and call logs.

Thanks. After I posted that I realized that my Pixel was backing up all my messages and calls to google drive. The only problem now is that because I didn't restore it from there during set up of my new one I'll now have to reset my new phone again to have the option to restore. Might do that tomorrow morning. Google really needs to add function to restore previous back ups at any point and not just during the initial set up.
I use an icon pack so I've not seen it. But I see it in the settings. With the black border? It does look a bit wrong doesn't it.
Yea it looks terrible on a dark background, like the Spotifiy icon has been shrunk.

Here's how it looks for me...

Ah yea that looks crap! What a bad design choice.

What launcher are you using, can you use an Icon pack?
Install Nova? I've used it for years, on the face of it it looks the same as the Pixel launcher, but with way more option for customisation, icons etc.

Or at least swap the Spotify and Whatsapp icons! :p
I have quite a bit of credit built up from Rewards and Google have just given me £2 for any app costing £2 or more... but I can't see anything worth while.

I did wonder about finally getting Filmic Pro, but I don't think I'd actually use it much.

Any suggestions?
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