New essential Android apps thread

Tbh, I've not read all of that because you're clearly ignoring what I've been saying... you're only as strong as your weakest point. In your screenshot you have three email address that a hacker/bad person can use instead. If they have access to one of those emails, they're in. That's my hole point, thanks for helping.

**EDIT** Also, not all the emails can rely on MS 2FA as that would give you the potential to be totally locked out... but you also said there is no other 2FA app being used, so one must be vulnerable.

I'll unsub for a couple days. We're going round in circles here, better to leave it tbh.

1: There's no need to put holes in your points!
2: No is the answer, those emails are 2FA secured, nobody is ever going to get into those accounts without the 2FA code. If I lose my phone or it gets stolen, I have the backup codes stored locally.

I know what you're trying to say, but the answer is simply no, nobody is going to be able to 2FA auth into your recovery mailboxes if they can't get the 2FA code in the first place.

Let's assume for a second that someone finds the password to one of the email accounts. That's great, step 1 completed. Step 2 is to then log into the account they have the password for. They can't do that if they can't supply the 2FA code to get in. They hit the dead end, an endless loop of needing the secondary authentication be it to either get in to the main account, or the recovery account. It is also why this issue has never happened to anyone before unless they've stupidly left themselves open, but that's not a problem with 2FA, that's PICNIC.

Now let's make it even simpler, if all your accounts are 2FA secured, nobody is getting in other than you with your backup codes in the worst case scenario that you lose the phone, or forget your credentials. There is no other way and this is why 2FA exists how it does.

But I know you'll now mention SMS, what if someone steals your phone and 2FAs via SMS on one of the accounts? That's your fault if they manage to do that because you've left the option on that shows message contents on the lockscreen when the phone is locked. Again, all user error, not a 2FA error.
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Sounds good. I'll make the move myself I guess. I recently got a USB key too, in an attempt to secure things up somewhat. I guess the backup/restore makes it MS slightly less secure though? Make sure your MS password is unique I guess will help.

You'll appreciate this well timed article. :p

BBC News - Food writer Jack Monroe 'loses £5,000 in phone-number hijack'
anyone know how to download videos from the imgur app in android 10? the download option has gone. now it's just copy the link or share the link. this is an android 10 thing i beleive and not the imgur app.
If you open the content in the web browser instead can;t you long press and save video/gif/image?
It's a workable solution until the IMGur app updates its internal permissions in-line with Android 10.

It's either that or deal with it lol.

IMO IMGur app is fairly garbage as it is. It took them so long to get broken/intermittent uploads working, and the UI still isn't as user-friendly as it should be.
What app would you fine people recommend for a work email?

I have Gmail for my personal email accounts but would prefer a separate client for my work exchange emails!

The OnePlus 7T is the first phone I've owned that doesn't have a native mail app!
What app would you fine people recommend for a work email?

I have Gmail for my personal email accounts but would prefer a separate client for my work exchange emails!

The OnePlus 7T is the first phone I've owned that doesn't have a native mail app!

Microsoft Outlook app is pretty good for work emails. You can setup Do not disturbs up on the App so no notifications will come through outside of work :)
Microsoft Outlook app is pretty good for work emails. You can setup Do not disturbs up on the App so no notifications will come through outside of work :)

Thanks for the suggestion - although I disable notifications all together for work e-mails anyway! :D
When I set my phone to do not disturb mode, why is it apps are still allowed to vibrate my phone? How can you stop it vibrating? This doesn't happen like a normal vibrate, for instance let's say you're playing a game that vibrates when you kill someone. Do not disturb stops this vibrate, however when you say unlock a new skill, then it still vibrates
Hi guys,

There are a couple of apps I want monitored on my OP5 - are there any 'task manager' type apps about that will let me see the apps drain on my phone's resources? I need a bit more info that just battery consumption :)

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