New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Following can give you notices of when people post (I believe) and populates your news feed; its no more than being able to easily see what your favourite posters have posted lately.
Thanks. How about likes?
Try changing it so its set to all on again and make sure you hit the save button. There's no way to disable your own avatar, the two are currently tied together.

This is fine. Happy with no avatars. Wouldn't mind sigs though. Helps identify people. Avatars are just repetitive.
Not 100% they are currently enabled - i've asked.

Asks are individual posts which are liked by posters - these might be because of the information contained within, helpful etc
Cool, so likes made it in, just waiting for it to get fixed?
No, the forum theme is locked, as it's recognisable and has been this way for many, many years :)

Awww but it's been requested SOOOO many times. Even to the extent where folks made a theme patch that you could install to force to black.

At least give us the option (i.e. drop down menu bottom left of page) because black is seriously much more gentle on the eye at night.
Its within the software, of course. But as to whether or not it'll be implemented into this forum, I'm not sure. But have asked :)

I see. Thanks for all the info:)

Edit: the reply and quotes seem to scrunched up. There should be a bit of space between the two imo.
Please tell me there's going to be a dark theme available. This bright blue causes me to have major headaches after a few minutes. My head is throbbing at the moment (Fnarr, fnarr. Yakk, yakk).
Oh is the search function different ?

Set it to most recent first and searched my name (easy way of finding people who quoted you) last post was from september 2016?
Problem is I want to turn off avatars, but keep signatures. Cannot do that. Never understood these avatars anyway, seem pointless.
Thats better! WIP

Also, is there a way to compact the forum sections that we don't want to see, like there was on the old vBulletin boards?

EDIT: That theme above looks sweet. :cool:
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