New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Noticed that some threads are spaced more widely than others. It's being caused by the wrapping of the last message date/time to another line.

why are all my created threads in random order, i can't find my blummin members market threads to update them! either that or my threads don't exist anymore if they're closed :eek:

edit - Nope, it seems some of my threads have just been entirely deleted
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why are all my created threads in random order, i can't find my blummin members market threads to update them!

Yea, members market got messed up. I had to edit my old listing to make sure it is clear that it is no longer available. Also I do not see close the thread action any more in members market.

One good thing is the forum looks better on my desktop using firefox vs my ipad using safari. But it needs work. They should start by just getting rid of these silly avatars or letting us turn them off while keeping signatures on.
Yea, members market got messed up. I had to edit my old listing to make sure it is clear that it is no longer available. Also I do not see close the thread action any more in members market.

One good thing is the forum looks better on my desktop using firefox vs my ipad using safari. But it needs work. They should start by just getting rid of these silly avatars or letting us turn them off while keeping signatures on.
Yeah, i used to have my avatar off because it was 'different' now im stuck with this ugly mug!
Weird behaviour with the Note 7 thread. There seem to be more pages than posts, and page 119 seems to indicate that there is another message (see bottom right) but that then takes me to page 120.

The Report button doesn't seem to be on the same line as the other buttons either.



Here is my WIP dark theme, still loads to do but it's started at least , should be almost done by days end, need sleep now though.

Nice, can I ask for a favour? Is there any chance of you including a line to resize images like
img, img:link {max-width:1440px!important}
Actually, it would be easier if you just said where to include that line in your theme.
How the hell do you edit posts? I get the pop-up box to edit the post, but there's no way of posting it again once you've edited.

I was trying to edit my earlier post but couldn't find a way to submit the changes. I'll just have to comment here instead.

I fixed my phantom page issue by changing the posts per page setting. It was set to 20 in my Preferences, but I know I had it on a higher setting before. I guess some settings were not retained.
I was trying to edit my earlier post but couldn't find a way to submit the changes. I'll just have to comment here instead.

I fixed my phantom page issue by changing the posts per page setting. It was set to 20 in my Preferences, but I know I had it on a higher setting before. I guess some settings were not retained.
Posts per change global is set to 20 I believe (was 80), but individuals can set their own page limits, as well as topic limits and conversation limits.

When you click edit and get a pop up - do you not have a submit changes button?
Looks way too compacted on mobile. The profile pictures cause the profile bar to be too big compared to the actual post, and there's no signatures in mobile view?

The white borders around the report, trust, quote, reply buttons look so so old.

Profile postings and searching only returns results from September 2016 for me. So I can't search or see anything I've posted since then.
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