New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Annoying that turning avatars off turns kff sigs too.

Avatars are geberic but sigs are ubiwue and i used to identify regulara
Instead of this:


Can we have something more similar to old layout and less space wasting - like this:

I like it.

A dark (or light) theme would be welcomed. Not that I would admit to getting paid to browse the forum.
I'd like to be able to turn off avatars, but keep sigs as well.

Only the same ones recycled over on this forum, so added custom rule for each one in adblock gets rid, but leaves the empty space. Had them switched off on old forum.

I do prefer Xenforo over vbb though. Ignore feature was pointless on vbb (at least the version running here). Xenforo does it properly, rather just messing up the threads with "post is ignored".
the "NEW" warning box on the top right gets over the msg on chrome using 150%+ zoom
Yes, getting this too. Quite annoying.
Can't we have a refresh/different avatars? Brand new forum and still the same old boring b/w 90's avatars lol
Favourite Sport:Required

This is still a weird thing to have to be "required" when editing your profile information.
I don't like the little facebook icon at the top-right of every post, so I'm going to be blocking it.

Aside from that, no issues so far.
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