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Any ideas on how to get rid of the blue area at the top with uBlock Origin?

I love how everyone's personal little tweaks for fixing OcUK forums are being revealed in this thread, quite cool actually.

Here's one I used; if you clicked on 'New Posts' it would display that day's active threads but it would reset around GMT midnight (which would result in zero activity) unless you used this link to get a 24 hour poll of thread activity in your current geographic location.

This doesn't work anymore so does anyone have ideas on how to access it again?

EDIT: Figured it out:
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I preferred the old template without the blue spacer between posts. The new version smushes up the avatar area with too much info, IMO.
I dislike that the report button is right at the bottom left immeidately after the last line of text of someone's post. This may be more obvious as I don't run with sigs enabled. I always think it says reply and keep going to click it. Can it not be moved to the right to be placed with the "Trust" "+Multi" "Quote" buttons?
I dislike that the report button is right at the bottom left immeidately after the last line of text of someone's post. Can it not be moved to the right to be placed with the "Trust" "+Multi" "Quote" buttons?

This would be easily fixed if these buttons were separated from the rest of the post like they were on the old forums.
the sub forum indicators are too saturated, they need to be whited out more so it doesn't fight with the blue background so much.

I agree with EVH that the left hand side is too busy, the spacer solved that. Alternatively you could right align that text. but might not be appropriate next to post id and share

on a side note, am I the only one who thinks the display: flex property is not appropriate for stretching the message <li>? it adds a 5px padding on the right that you can't remove without hacking the style...
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I agree with EVH that the left hand side is too busy, the spacer solved that. Alternatively you could right align that text. but might not be appropriate next to post id and share

I think the lack of left-padding for the post text is part of the problem here — if there was a bit more space between the post text and the left-hand border separating the user info and the post text it would make things a bit easier to read.
at the top where the "tagBlock" class is:
.tagBlock {
text-align: "Right";

then bring the "pageDescription" tag down:

#pageDescription {
margin-top: 13px;
position: "absolute";

makes it look a lot cleaner:


of course it would be a lot better progromatically to have the pageDescription out of the title bar and next to the tagBlock (maybe even co-habit a container)

I was going to format it so the heading is an "always on-top" section, and styled like a standard post... I'll look tonight when I'm home.

Think I'll pick up this userStyles program... only have IE in work :p
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Can we get rid of the rank name/description light blue bar that it's on? The member info box is same size as the post box whether its a one line post or essay but having that light blue box with rank name is off putting as it looks to me as it breaks up the member info and post box and feels out of place. I hope you understand what I mean.
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