New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Just jumped on for my morning phone browse and I actually think I preferred the old forum for mobile browsing :eek:

Yeah I had the same. Mobile becomes nice and less cluttered when you rotate but I never use my phone sideways. I'm sure we will all adjust. My initial reaction was "oh no"
Also we've lost the ability to got to the last post in the thread from the sub-forum. Used to have the little arrow that took us there no matter if it had been read or not; its no longer there which means you have to pick the last page number and scroll...
Any way to get rid of that stupid facebook icon? Also, does the 'report' button have to be so prominent?

Yup. Custom style sheet can sort it. If someone else has not sorted one out before I get a chance I'll write a user based CSS to nuke the unwanted social media lark.

What is this and why have I just seen it now?!

Looks interesting but I feel lost and a bit weird...
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