New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Tip 2: bold thread titles have new posts since you last opened it. Clicking a thread link you have previously been in automatically takes you to the first new post.
Yay a new forum! It does all look a bit different.

Is the OCUK dark theme working for anyone?
It's not going to work I wouldn't think as it's a totally different style it will need to be done from scratch...

However I'm not sure if xenforo supports themes so they may be able to implement styles for users to choose on the forums.
New look is definitely not mobile friendly, everything is all cramped.
Part of the issue, at least for the post view is that all the posts are double boxed. There's no need for each post to be in 2 padded boxes.
New alerts flash with a black background. Can we change this to dark blue to match the theme.
I do t know if it's been asked yet. (Great look by the way)

But can we minimise the forum sections we don't want to see ? I'm not really interested in hardware etc. I can't see the usual arrows.

It can be done. If you use the TamperMonkey script in Google Chrome I posted above and add the following:

addGlobalStyle('.node_122 { display: none !important; }');

This will PERMANENTLY hide the section from display until you comment out the line of code or remove it. If you NEVER wish to look at specific sections however it does the job.

The Section nodes are as follows:

node_122    Latest News
node_72        Customer Service
node_1        Hardware
node_108    Apple
node_71        Software
node_27        Audio Visual
node_22        Games
node_11        Life
node_38        Distributed Computing
node_17        Members Market
node_141    OcUK matters
node_93        Archives

To hide Hardware, you would use:
addGlobalStyle('.node_1 { display: none !important; }');
Wow this is....not aesthetic pleasing at all.

I thought my browser was screwing up and not displaying the page properly.

What was wrong with the old one?
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