New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Don't know if it's because it's first visit but the main page doesn't show any difference between a forum with new posts and one that hasn't been posted in since last visit? And also each post takes up more screen space so less on the screen at one time?

Yeah I'm not keen either. I don't like that the user name bit on the left feels a bit "squashed"...? Then vast space in the message body.

I just recieved an Alert for a new post in the "TV Licence Super Thread" - a thread I have never looked at or posted in.

Think I need to configure my alerts and preferences again.
Not sure if it's just me because I don't want to read all 22 pages of this thread and the other one, but from first glance I like the functionality, however I think the forums are harder to read and I am not a fan of the raised post and user boxes.
It can be done. If you use the TamperMonkey script in Google Chrome I posted above and add the following:

addGlobalStyle('.node_122 { display: none !important; }');

This will PERMANENTLY hide the section from display until you comment out the line of code or remove it. If you NEVER wish to look at specific sections however it does the job.

The Section nodes are as follows:

node_122    Latest News
node_72        Customer Service
node_1        Hardware
node_108    Apple
node_71        Software
node_27        Audio Visual
node_22        Games
node_11        Life
node_38        Distributed Computing
node_17        Members Market
node_141    OcUK matters
node_93        Archives

To hide Hardware, you would use:
addGlobalStyle('.node_1 { display: none !important; }');

Thank you ! I literally only browse on my phone now though. So I don't think I can use that script :( damn.
Oh my god, it was bad when I woke up this morning and checked my phone.

Now I'm on a desktop I want to phone the samaritans. Thankfully I don't pass a bridge on the way home.
Questions: in mobile view, how do I jump to the first new post in a thread? How do I see everyone's signatures? (they're all missing in mobile view).
There's a box in the top right hand corner with NEW in it that seems to cover the text. Can we have the dark theme back please, I've never liked the blue theme :)
There's a box in the top right hand corner with NEW in it that seems to cover the text. Can we have the dark theme back please, I've never liked the blue theme :)

Would like this post but like wasn't enabled. So instead I'll add another reply to the thread and trigger alerts for everyone.

Poor decision to not include likes.

Can we at least trail likes ?
Things I like to be cut or added:

thread titles are in bold when not viewed. This hurts my eyes. I find it hard to read the titles. this needs to be in non-bold text.
Forum collapse button. Not there but using a browser addon I noticed it can be done. Not keen on that. Re-instatement of forum collapse button please.
Jump to last post button? is it here or not as I can't see it??
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