New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Nice! Any chance you can get rid of the pea green ranking bar on the username?

Also make it widescreen? :D

For TamperMonkey Userscript wiija linked add:
    ".onlineIndicator {",
    "    display: none !important",

For the User Script .CSS file add:
    .onlineIndicator {
         display: none !important

For the TamperMonkey script I linked add:
addGlobalStyle('.onlineIndicator { display: none !important; }');
That's irrelevant if the pages look crap. I hate it. Why can't we choose to keep the old look? Are we stuck with this now?
I think you've made your point. Stop going on about it.

100ppp is absolutely relevant when the default is 20ppp and many users will have set 80ppp on the old forum, which never carried across.
That's irrelevant if the pages look crap. I hate it. Why can't we choose to keep the old look? Are we stuck with this now?

I think you've made your point. Stop going on about it.

Agreed with EVH; you're such a negative person - there's bound to be teething issues so rather than moan and slate it why not provide constructive feedback?
It appears under Life as before but I definitely can't see it unless I'm logged in. Maybe there's an issue with that sub-forum.
Nope, still not seeing it. Logged out and back in too. Could you post a link directly to the forum and I'll see if I can access it that way?
Ah so in preferences I have show signatures checked, but on mobile view I still can't see them. Is that intentional?
I think you need to focus on what's important. Likes are irrelevant and have no place on this forum. Forum appearance however *is* important. You should be complaining about that.
Both are important in my view.

Turning on like system is a quick 2 sec enable job. We can then trail it. Shame to waste such a powerful feature.
Dont like it much TBH, the fonts look a bit strange
and the drop shadow on some of the blocks look weird .

Ill most likely get used too it but the option to stay with the old theme would be nice.
Is it possible to move the header of each post back to the left hand side? Attempting to read a long thread now just looks busy (for want of a better phrase).
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